Hello. How do i make a flood fill in python?

For exampel. I choose to download this picture of world countries. I save this as picture.png in a folder. The folder also contains a python file whith the name change.py.
The change.py file is gonna change USA to yellow. To do this the code need to know where in x,y axis the USA is. It's not to be exactly beacuse flood fill will change the whole USA to yellow just by flood fill in one pixel in the area of USA.

Do you know how to do?


Here is some code but when i run it, it does not work!
If i have a picture with the name FloodFillClean.png. The whole picture is black. When i runt the code i want the picture to be white.

import Image
def FloodFill( fileName, initNode, targetColor, replaceColor ):
   img = Image.open( fileName )
   pix = img.load()
   xsize, ysize = img.size
   Q = []
   if pix[ initNode[0], initNode[1] ] != targetColor:
      return img
   Q.append( initNode )
   while Q != []:
      node = Q.pop(0)
      if pix[ node[0], node[1] ] == targetColor:
         W = list( node )
         if node[0] + 1 < xsize:
            E = list( [ node[0] + 1, node[1] ] )
            E = list( node )
      # Move west until color of node does not match targetColor
      while pix[ W[0], W[1] ] == targetColor:
         pix[ W[0], W[1] ] = replaceColor
         if W[1] + 1 < ysize:
            if pix[ W[0], W[1] + 1 ] == targetColor:
               Q.append( [ W[0], W[1] + 1 ] )
         if W[1] - 1 >= 0:
            if pix[ W[0], W[1] - 1 ] == targetColor:
               Q.append( [ W[0], W[1] - 1 ] )
         if W[0] - 1 >= 0:
            W[0] = W[0] - 1
      # Move east until color of node does not match targetColor
      while pix[ E[0], E[1] ] == targetColor:
         pix[ E[0], E[1] ] = replaceColor
         if E[1] + 1 < ysize:
            if pix[ E[0], E[1] + 1 ] == targetColor:
               Q.append( [ E[0], E[1] + 1 ] )
         if E[1] - 1 >= 0:
            if pix[ E[0], E[1] - 1 ] == targetColor:
               Q.append( [ E[0], E[1] -1 ] )
         if E[0] + 1 < xsize:
            E[0] = E[0] + 1
      return img

# "FloodFillClean.png" is name of input file
# [55,55] the x,y coordinate where fill starts
# (0,0,0,255) the target colour being filled( black in this example )
# (255,255,255,255) the final colour ( white in this case )
img = FloodFill( "FloodFillClean.png", [55,55], (0,0,0,255), (255,255,255,255) )
#The resulting image is saved as Filled.png
img.save( "Filled.png" )
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