I have been working on a time clock program where the user can enter their time in and time out using two DateTimePickers, and it will tell them how many hours and minutes they worked. I was able to format the DateTimePicker to only show the hours and minutes. However, in my result it show's it with the hours, minutes, and seconds(hh:mm:ss) Ex. (08:00:47). I would like my result to only return the hours and minutes. Here is my code thus far:
Any help wouls be much appreciated, if you need any more info let me know.
Thank's soo much in Advanced!
'Formats DateTimePicker for TimeIn to display only Hours and Minutes
dtpTimeIn.CustomFormat = "hh:mm tt M/dd/y"
dtpTimeIn.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom
dtpTimeIn.ShowUpDown = True
'Formats DateTimePicker for TimeOut to display only Hours and Minutes
dtpTimeOut.CustomFormat = "hh:mm tt M/dd/y"
dtpTimeOut.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom
dtpTimeOut.ShowUpDown = True
End Sub
'Code for calculate button
Dim dailyHrs As String
dailyHrs = txtDailyHrs.Text
'Displays answer as hh:mm:ss
txtDailyHrs.Text = ((dtpTimeOut.Value - dtpTimeIn.Value).ToString())