i woul dlike to view the data from the database n edit them.but i dont know the coding..sir,please help me sir..i m developing the system using window based.thank you

i woul dlike to view the data from the database n edit them.but i dont know the coding..sir,please help me sir..i m developing the system using window based.thank you

Use SQL-key.


Hai Sir
How i can connect to SQL server database with VB.Plz replay me
immediately.This is part of our project


The way i do it is adding a datagrid to the form, then connect to the database using a oleDBconnection connection and get the dataset. Then create a dataview and set its source as the table you want to display from the dataset.

then set the dataview as the datasource of the datagrid, and that should do it.

When you close the form, make sure to check if the dataset has changes and update if necessary.

Here is the code:

Private con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection
Private comd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Table", con)
Private dst As DataSet = New DataSet
Private dvw As DataView = New DataView

sub populate_datagrid()

        con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & database_file & ";Mode=Read|Write"

comd.CommandTimeout = 30    ' oledbcommand
dap.SelectCommand = comd    ' data adapter
dst.Clear()                              ' clear the data set
dap.TableMappings.Clear()    'clear the data_adapter before using it
dap.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Table_name")
dap.Fill(dst, "Table_name")
dvw.Table = dst.Tables(0)
dvw.RowFilter = Nothing
Me.datagrid1.DataSource = dvw

End sub


It Did not work.... Permission error Help

It Did not work.... Permission error Help

which means you can't connect to your database
did you modify the code to connect to your DB ?

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