Sorry for posting again guys but i have fixed up teh string copies to copy the data into each struct variable. But still when i traverse through the linked list it does not print out anything after it reads the file. For some reason it may not be copying at all or something any idea's?
i think its because currentCat variables is pointing to NULL rather then a node but im unsure how
to fix it cuz it wont print any of the data which is being loaded
int loadData(GJCType* menu, char* menuFile, char* submenuFile)
/*pointer for malloc*/
CategoryType *newCat, *currentCat, *prevCat;
/*declaration of variables*/
int CountNoLines = 0;
char temp[LINE_LENGTH];
/* variables for tokenizer for menu file*/
char *catID;
char *catType;
char *catName;
char *catDescription;
char *delim;
/* declare file pointers to files*/
FILE *f1;
FILE *f2;
/* opening the menu and submenu for reading*/
f1 = fopen(menuFile, "r");
f2 = fopen(submenuFile, "r");
/* check to see if the filuse exists*/
if(f1 ==NULL || f2 == NULL)
/* check whether both files have existed or typed in correctly*/
if(f1 == NULL && f2 == NULL)
printf("Both files do not exist %s %s\n",menuFile,submenuFile);
/* check for each file existance*/
else if (f1 == NULL)
printf("%s does not exist\n\n",menuFile);
/* check for each file existance*/
else if(f2 == NULL)
printf("%s does not exist\n\n", submenuFile);
return ERRORCODE; /* cannot proceed*/
/* counts how many fields there are in the file*/
while(fgets(temp, LINE_LENGTH, f1)!=NULL)
newCat = NULL;
prevCat = NULL;
currentCat = NULL;
newCat = malloc(sizeof(CategoryType));
if(prevCat == NULL)
menu->headCategory = newCat;
prevCat->nextCategory = newCat;
/* stores the catID but also checks if there
is a duplicate*/
catID = strtok(temp, "|");
/* checking whether it tokenizez*/
if(catID == NULL)
printf("CatID missing\n");
/*checks for a duplication of the id field*/
if(!checkDuplicationID(menu, catID))
/* gets the second field and tokenizez it*/
catType = strtok(NULL, "|");
/* checking whether it tokenizez*/
if(catType == NULL)
printf("CatType missing\n");
catName = strtok(NULL, "|");
/* checking whether it tokenizez*/
if(catName == NULL)
printf("CatName missing\n");
catDescription = strtok(NULL, "\0");
/* checking whether it tokenizez*/
if(catDescription == NULL)
printf("CatDescription missing\n");
/* checks the string length of the field*/
if((strlen(catID) >ID_LEN) ||
(strlen(catType) >MAX_NAME_LEN) ||
(strlen(catDescription) >MAX_DESC_LEN))
printf("Wrong data format\n\n");
strcpy(newCat->categoryID, catID);
newCat->drinkType = catType[0];
strcpy(newCat->categoryName, catName);
strcpy(newCat->categoryDescription, catDescription);
newCat -> nextCategory = NULL;
newCat->headItem = NULL;
newCat->numItems = 0;
prevCat = newCat;
currentCat = menu->headCategory;
}/* end of if else used to tokenize and copy variables
from and into structs*/
printf("%s, %c, %s, %s", currentCat->categoryID,
currentCat->drinkType, currentCat->categoryName,
currentCat = currentCat->nextCategory;
} /* end of while loop*/
/* close both files after reading*/
if(fclose(f1)!=0 || fclose(f2)!=0)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in closing files\n");