Hi, I'm trying to run my script but is not working for some reason the functions is not working at all.
Anyone willing to help me to find out the error.
Thank you.


DATE=$(date +"%m_%d_%Y");

  echo -e "\n## Remove unnecessary services" 

  ## Turn off unnecessary services
  ## chkconfig --list |egrep -i "iptables|smartd|kudzu|bluetooth|rpcgssd"

  chkconfig iptables off
  chkconfig smartd off
  chkconfig kudzu off
  chkconfig bluetooth off
  chkconfig rpcgssd off

  chkconfig --list |egrep -i "iptables|smartd|kudzu|bluetooth|rpcgssd"
  echo "done."


where, in your script, do you call the function?

it is declared, but you don't seem to call it.

Thank you, for let me see where my mistake was.

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