i have a problem when updating database. i need to update stock value in other table and count it and update to another table again.
here the code :
'in every row on 'SalesDetailBindingSource'
For Each SalesDetailData In SalesDetailBindingSource
MsgBox("SalesDetailData : " & SalesDetailBindingSource.Count)
'dim use to take parameter
Dim SalesDetailDataRow = CType(CType(SalesDetailData, DataRowView).Row, myDataSet.SalesDetailRow)
Dim paramTransactionNumber = TransactionNumberTextBox.Text
'parameter need : (paramProductId)
Dim paramProductId = SalesDetailDataRow.ProductId
'row to find in table 'SalesDetail'
Dim SalesDetailRow As myDataSet.SalesDetailRow
SalesDetailRow = myDataSet.SalesDetail.FindByTransactionNumberProductId(paramTransactionNumber, paramProductId)
'in every row found
For Each SalesDetailRowToFind In SalesDetailRow.Table.Rows
'here is the problem (i think)
'update to 'Stock' table
Dim stockRow As myDataSet.stockRow = myDataSet.stock.FindByProductId(paramProductId)
For Each stockRowData In StockBindingSource
Dim paramStockOut As Integer = stockRow.StockOut + TotalTextBox.Text
stockRow.StockOut = paramStockRakOut
'update to 'Plu' table
Dim pluRow As myDataSet.pluRow = myDataSet.plu.FindByProductId(paramProductId)
For Each pluRowData In PluBindingSource
Dim paramStockTotal As Integer = (stockRow.StockIn - stockRow.StockOut)
pluRow.Stock = paramStockTotal