I have inherited a pair of applications: a client.exe and a server.exe. They run on different PCs and communicate through TCP/IP. The server comes with an OCX file: server.ocx. The client has its own OCX file: client.ocx. (I suspect there could be a mismatch between the two ocx files.) I don't have the server source code, but I do have the client source code. It's a C++ console application that "#import"s the client.ocx file. Also I see that the client advises the server of its sink object. The client then calls methods on the server's interface and all server replies come to the sink object.
My question is: why are there two different OCX files? Could both the server and client utilize the same OCX file, presumably the server one?
Also, can I create a new client application using a wizard that would generate all necessary C++ information given the server OCX file only? In other words, can I circumvent the client.ocx file?