Does KeBugCheck only work in a driver ?



xor     eax,eax
or      esi, 300h
add     eax, 220h

cmp     [eax], esi
pop     esi
pop     ebx
jnz     short done
xor     ecx, ecx
push    ecx             ; BugCheckParameter4
push    ecx             ; BugCheckParameter3
push    ecx             ; BugCheckParameter2
push    ecx             ; BugCheckParameter1
push    0E2h            ; BugCheckCode MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH
mov     [eax], ecx
call    KeBugCheckEx    ;ds:__imp__KeBugCheckEx@20


We have no idea what context this is in, nor do we have any specific details related to the fucntion 'KeBugCheckEx'. Thus, we cannot provide any assistance until you rectify the situation.


I found out it only works in a driver file.


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