Hi Everyone,
I am trying to get the program below to work correctly.
The line below is where I'm having trouble. (line 33 in PrefixCalc.java)
calc = new ExpressionTree(new Scanner(console.nextLine()));
When I run the program and enter "4 + 8", the scanner only picks up "4". Apparently this program was developed using the Scanner from Java 5. How do I get the entire line into a Scanner object?
I found this program online at http://penguin.ewu.edu/cscd300/Topic/ExpressionTree/ExpressionTree.pdf. This is not my program. I am just learning from it.
* Prefix calculator: generate the expression tree, then display it
* in the various supported means and finally show the result of the
* calculation.
* NOTE: Specific to Java version 5.0 --- Scanner
* @author Timothy Rolfe
import java.util.Scanner;
public class PrefixCalc
public static void main(String[] args)
ExpressionTree calc;
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
// Allow for a command-line argument (which would be double-quoted).
if (args.length > 0)
System.out.println("Processing string " + args[0]);
calc = new ExpressionTree(new Scanner(args[0]));
("Prefix expression, with all elements separated by blanks");
calc = new ExpressionTree(new Scanner(console.nextLine()));
System.out.println("\nInput as prefix expression:");
System.out.println("\nInput as postfix expression:");
System.out.println("\nInput as parenthesized infix expression:");
System.out.println("\nValue: " + calc.evaluate());
* Expression Tree of TreeNode objects, built from a prefix expression.
* NOTE: Specific to Java version 5.0 --- Scanner
* The nodes are built by the recursive method "build", which calls
* itself for internal nodes; e.g.: node.setRight ( build ( input ) );
* Beyond construction, this supports display as prefix expression,
* postfix expression, and as parenthesized infix expression, as well
* as evaluation of the expression, returning the value;
* @author Timothy Rolfe
import java.util.Scanner; // Specific to Java 1.5.x
public class ExpressionTree {
* One node in an expression tree, allowing double values.
* @author Timothy Rolfe
private static class TreeNode
private final boolean leaf; // ?Is this a leaf? else internal
private final char op; // For an internal node, the operator
private double value; // For a leaf, the value
private TreeNode left, // Left subexpression (internal node)
right; // Right subexpression
// Bare-bones constructor
private TreeNode(boolean leaf, char op, double value)
this.leaf = leaf;
this.op = op;
this.value = value;
this.left = null; // Empty to start
this.right = null;
// For leaf nodes, show the value; for internal, the operator.
public String toString() // Overrides Object.toString, must be public.
return leaf ? Double.toString(value) : Character.toString(op);
TreeNode root = null;
public ExpressionTree(Scanner input)
root = build(input);
* Based on a white-space delimited prefix expression, build the
* corresponding binary expression tree.
* @param input
* The scanner with the expression
* @return reference to the corresponding binary expression tree
private TreeNode build(Scanner input)
boolean leaf;
String token;
double value;
TreeNode node;
leaf = input.hasNextDouble();
if (leaf)
value = input.nextDouble();
node = new TreeNode(leaf, '\0', value);
token = input.next();
node = new TreeNode(leaf, token.charAt(0), 0.0);
node.left = build(input);
node.right = build(input);
return node;
* Show the expression tree as a postfix expression. All the work is done in
* the private recursive method.
public void showPostFix()
// Postfix expression is the result of a post-order traversal
private void showPostFix(TreeNode node)
if (node != null)
System.out.print(node + " ");
* Show the expression tree as a prefix expression. All the work is done in
* the private recursive method.
public void showPreFix()
// Prefix expression is the result of a pre-order traversal
private void showPreFix ( TreeNode node )
{ // NOTE: removing tail recursion
while ( node != null )
System.out.print ( node + " " );
showPreFix ( node.left );
node = node.right; // Update parameter for right traversal
* Show the expression tree as a parenthesized infix expression. All the
* work is done in the private recursive method.
public void showInFix()
// Parenthesized infix requires parentheses in both the
// pre-order and post-order positions, plus the node
// itself in the in-order position.
private void showInFix(TreeNode node)
if (node != null)
// Note: do NOT parenthesize leaf nodes
if (!node.leaf)
System.out.print("( "); // Pre-order position
System.out.print(node + " "); // In-order position
if (!node.leaf) // Post-order position
System.out.print(") ");
* Evaluate the expression and return its value. All the work is done in the
* private recursive method.
* @return the value of the expression tree.
public double evaluate()
return root == null ? 0.0 : evaluate(root);
// Evaluate the expression: for internal nodes, this amounts
// to a post-order traversal, in which the processing is doing
// the actual arithmetic. For leaf nodes, it is simply the
// value of the node.
private double evaluate(TreeNode node)
double result; // Value to be returned
if (node.leaf) // Just get the value of the leaf
result = node.value;
// We've got work to do, evaluating the expression
double left, right;
char operator = node.op;
// Capture the values of the left and right subexpressions
left = evaluate(node.left);
right = evaluate(node.right);
// Do the arithmetic, based on the operator
switch (operator)
case '-':
result = left - right;
case '*':
result = left * right;
case '/':
result = left / right;
case '^':
result = Math.pow(left, right);
// NOTE: allow fall-through from default to case '+'
System.out.println("Unrecognized operator " + operator
+ " treated as +.");
case '+':
result = left + right;
// Return either the leaf's value or the one we just calculated.
return result;