Well I need help on moifying my report regarding SearchTree.java(Working with Recursion)
"Modify the private report to have an additional parameter which indicates the level of indentation at which the visit should be displayed. The public version of report should be modified to call the private version with an indentation level of 0".

I'm not sure how to go about that. Here's a snippet of my code, since it's a bit long, I am just showing what've I have done with public/private Report, unless you want me to post the whole thing. Any help is appreciated. I believe recursion with private Report is the key to solving this!

  public void Report()

    private void Report(Tree_Node T)

    if (T != null)

We need more than that. Pretty much tells us nothing.

What is "Tree_Node"?

Here is the rest of the code

public class SearchTree <KeyType extends Comparable<KeyType>,DataType extends HasVisit>

  public static class NotFound extends Exception
    private static final long serialVersionUID=0;

  public static class Duplicate extends Exception
    private static final long serialVersionUID=0;

  // Initialize an empty tree
  public SearchTree()
    Root = null;

  // Report the contents of the tree
  public void Report()

  public void CopyOf(SearchTree<KeyTypeDataType>copyMe)


  private void CopyOf(Tree_Node NodeFromB)
if(T == null)
  Tree_Node newNode = new Tree_Node();
  newNode.Key = NodeFromB.Key;
  newNode.Data = NodeFromB.Data;
  newNode.Left = copyOf(NodeFromB.Left);
  newNode.Right =copyOf(NodeFromB.Right); 
  return newNode; 
  return null;

  // Locate an element with the given key and return the
  //  associated data.
  public DataType Find(KeyType Key) throws NotFound
    return Find(Root, Key);

  // Insert a new element into the tree.
  public void Insert(KeyType Key, DataType Data) throws Duplicate
    Root = Insert(Root, Key, Data);
  public int Size()
    { return Size(Root);
  private int Size(Tree_Node T)
return 0;
{return Size(T.Left)+Size(T.Right)+1;
public int Height()
return Height(Root);
private int Height(Tree_Node T)
if(T == null){
 return 0;
if(Height(T.Right) > Height(T.Left))
return Height(T.Right)+1;
return Height(T.Left)+1;
  public void Update( KeyType Key,DataType Data) throws NotFound
  { Update(Root,Key,Data); 

  private void Update(Tree_Node T,KeyType Key, DataType Data) throws NotFound                                                                      
  {if(T == null)throw new NotFound();

    T.Data = Data;  

   else if(Key.compareTo(T.Key)<0){
  // Find and delete a key.
  public void Delete(KeyType Key) throws NotFound
    Root = Delete(Root, Key);

  private class Tree_Node
    KeyType Key;
    DataType Data;
    Tree_Node Left, Right;

  private Tree_Node Root;
  private void Report(Tree_Node T)
  // Print the contents of a tree from
  //  smallest to largest by doing an InOrder
  //  traversal
    if (T != null)

  private DataType Find(Tree_Node T,KeyType Key) throws NotFound 
    if (T == null)
      throw new NotFound();
    if (Key.compareTo(T.Key) ==0)
      return T.Data;
    else if (Key.compareTo(T.Key) <0 )
      return Find(T.Left, Key);
      return Find(T.Right, Key);

  // A tree node (Save) is passed back.
  // Save.Data and Save.Key will be needed by the original caller.
  // All nodes will use Save.Right to adjust their appropriate child 
  // pointer. Save.Left is unused.
  private Tree_Node Get_And_Remove_Smallest(Tree_Node T)
    if (T.Left == null)
      // Who ever pointed to this node,
      // should now point to what ever T.Right pointed to.
      return T;
      Tree_Node Save = Get_And_Remove_Smallest(T.Left);
      // Make any needed adjustment to our left pointer
      T.Left = Save.Right;
      // Whoever pointed to this node,
      // should still point to this node.
      Save.Right = T;
      return Save;

  private Tree_Node Insert(Tree_Node T, KeyType Key,
                 DataType Data) throws Duplicate 
    if (T == null)
      Tree_Node newNode = new Tree_Node();
      newNode.Key = Key;
      newNode.Data = Data;
      newNode.Left = null;
      newNode.Right = null;
      // Inserted a node, return the value of the new node
      return newNode;
    else if (Key.compareTo(T.Key)==0)
      throw new Duplicate(); // Duplicate_Key
    else if (Key.compareTo(T.Key) <0 )
      T.Left = Insert(T.Left, Key, Data);
      T.Right = Insert(T.Right, Key, Data);
    // No change, return the old value
    return T;

  private Tree_Node Delete(Tree_Node T,KeyType Key) throws NotFound
    Tree_Node Save;
    if (T == null)
      throw new NotFound(); // Key Not Found
    if (Key.compareTo(T.Key)<0 )
      T.Left = Delete(T.Left, Key);
    else if (Key.compareTo(T.Key)>0)
      T.Right = Delete(T.Right, Key);
      if ((T.Left == null) && (T.Right == null)) {
        return null;
       else if (T.Right == null) {
         return T.Left;
      else if (T.Left == null) {
        return T.Right;
        // Move the smallest of the right subtree
    // to the current location.
        Save = Get_And_Remove_Smallest(T.Right);
        T.Data = Save.Data;
        T.Key = Save.Key;
    // Also perform any needed adjustment to our left pointer
        T.Right = Save.Right;
    // There should be no change to the pointer we were passed
    return T; 


OK, Im seeing a comment saying "There should be no change to the pointer we were passed"

Im THINKING you are passing code from C to Java.

So the issue with this is a that in C there are no objects while in Java there is so you have to sort of change the orientation and method of programming.

But first lets confirm that: Are you porting C code to Java?

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