I'm having trouble debugging a rather large project. The first issuse is not knowing how to track the bug down.
Here is the text from Assertion Error popup while running in debug mode
Debug Assertion Failed
Program...nga Path\file.exe
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\xtoa.c
Line: 105Expression: sizeInTChars > (size_t)(is_neg ? 2: 1)
I'm unsure as to how I can find which part of code is causing the problem.
Here is the particular piece of code which the above ifo breaks at.
TCHAR *p; /* pointer to traverse string */
TCHAR *firstdig; /* pointer to first digit */
TCHAR temp; /* temp char */
unsigned digval; /* value of digit */
size_t length; /* current length of the string */
/* validation section */
_RESET_STRING(buf, sizeInTChars);
_VALIDATE_RETURN_ERRCODE(sizeInTChars > (size_t)(is_neg ? 2 : 1), ERANGE); // <<<
_VALIDATE_RETURN_ERRCODE(2 <= radix && radix <= 36, EINVAL);
length = 0;
#endif /* _SECURE_ITOA */
I'm not awfully clever with debugging yet and just don't know where to start, I tried searching my project for a reference to "itoa()" function but can not find one.
Can anyone help?