Hello daniWeb, i have a question, i am trying to implement a live Ticker for my iOS app but i am stuck in a very frustating situation. So my app should have live internet connection to connect to a sever which has a ticker that Updates continuosly.
So here is what i need help with if anyone has a great way of doing this. I currently have the AFNetworking files added to my poject but now i need a way to display that Data being fetched onto my app so it would display it somewhat like this on the View :
**Live Ticker**
$ 12.90
** Feed **
i want that value "12.90" to update when the server updates. so in my opinion, is it a view box that displays that Data there and is interconnected with the jSON thing ?
or do i put something like %g somewhere so that data is read and displayed ? similar to any program that reads data and outputs the read data or typed data.
Thank you so much, i really need this one just help. :)