I have a serious problem with my game right now, after each kill I get the game starts lagging more and more. I thought it was because he was drawing the same thing twice and stuff and went trough some functions that was useless. But I cleaned it up as far as I can see anyways but it dident help. So now I turn to you guys, please help me, I really want to have enemies and not just one boss and I know that having one mayor file with code makes it a bit more difficoult then it would have been if I had used classes but please try with thie big chunk of code.

The code is quite large now but here it is:

# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
import time
import pygame
from pygame.locals import*


music = pygame.mixer.Sound('GameSoundtrack.wav')
vol = 1
Oldvol = 0
mute = False
Sfont = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial',20,False,True)
mutetxt = Sfont.render("Mute",1,(255,255,255))

screenWidth = 1018
screenHeight = 720
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screenWidth,screenHeight))
facingLeft = False
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
fps = 50
shootLeft = False
shootRight = False
go = False

textSize = 55
font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial',textSize,True,True)
Wintext = font.render("Congratulations, you have killed the evil boss!", 1, (0,255,0))
Losetext = font.render("You have failed this city!", 1, (255,0,0))
font2 = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial',40,True)
Lifetxt = font2.render("Life:",1,(255,255,255))

house = pygame.image.load('Husen.png')

Player_facing_screen = pygame.image.load('GoodGuyFramPng.png')
Player_left = pygame.image.load('GubbeVanster.png')
Player_right = pygame.image.load('GubbeSidan.png')
Player = Player_facing_screen
PlayerRect = Player.get_rect()
Health = 100

Boss_right = pygame.image.load('OndgubbeHoger.png')
Boss_left = pygame.image.load('OndgubbeVanster.png')
Bossen = Boss_left
Boss = Bossen.get_rect()
shoot = False
done = False
count = 0
Bhealth = 100

#Mob 1
Mob_Right = pygame.image.load('GangsterRight.png')
Mob_Left = pygame.image.load('GangsterLeft.png')
Mobs = Mob_Right
Mob = Mobs.get_rect()
Mob.x = 161
Mob.y = 206
M1vy = 0
Life = 25
dead1 = False
MobGoingLeft = False
MobGoingRight = True
M1onGround = False
M1moving = True
M1Shoot = False
M1Count = 0
#Mob 2
Mob2_Right = pygame.image.load('GangsterRight.png')
Mob2_Left = pygame.image.load('GangsterLeft.png')
Mobs2 = Mob2_Right
Mob2 = Mobs2.get_rect()
Mob2.x = 182
Mob2.y = 484
M2vy = 0
Life2 = 25
dead2 = False
Mob2GoingLeft = False
Mob2GoingRight = True
M2onGround = False
M2moving = True
M2Shoot = False
M2Count = 0
#Mob 3
Mob3_Right = pygame.image.load('GangsterRight.png')
Mob3_Left = pygame.image.load('GangsterLeft.png')
Mobs3 = Mob3_Right
Mob3 = Mobs3.get_rect()
Mob3.x = 450
Mob3.y = screenHeight - 80
M3vy = 0
Life3 = 25
dead3 = False
Mob3GoingLeft = False
Mob3GoingRight = True
M3onGround = False
M3moving = True
M3Shoot = False
M3Count = 0
#Mob 4
Mob4_Right = pygame.image.load('GangsterRight.png')
Mob4_Left = pygame.image.load('GangsterLeft.png')
Mobs4 = Mob4_Right
Mob4 = Mobs4.get_rect()
Mob4.x = 708
Mob4.y = screenHeight - 80
M4vy = 0
Life4 = 25
dead4 = False
Mob4GoingLeft = False
Mob4GoingRight = True
M4onGround = False
M4moving = True
M4Shoot = False
M4Count = 0

#Player variabler
x = 0
PlayerRect.y = screenHeight - 111
vx = 0
vy = 0
g = 2

onGround = False
jumping = False
moving = False
bmoving = True
finished = False

#Boss variabler
Boss.x = 800
Boss.y = 207
goingLeft = False
goingRight = True
bvy = 0
radius = 10
BonGround = False
Bdead = False

bullets = []
shoots = []
M1bullets = []
M2bullets = []
M3bullets = []
M4bullets = []

floors = [#house 1
          #hus 2
roofs = [#roof on house 1
         #Top most balkony on house 1
         #lowest most balkony on house 1
         #roof on house 2
         #top most balkony on house 2
         #lowest most balkony on house 2
         #middle balcony on house 2
rects = [#house 1
         #house 2
while not done:

    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_LCTRL:
            bullets.append((PlayerRect.x,(PlayerRect.y + 40), (1,-1)[facingLeft] * 20))
        if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_m and mute == True:
            mute = False
        elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_m and mute == False:
            vol = 0
            mute = True
        elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_KP_PLUS and mute == False:
            vol += 0.1
            Oldvol = vol
        elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_KP_MINUS and mute == False:
            vol -= 0.1
            Oldvol = vol

        elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE and onGround:
            vy = -25
            onGround = False
            jumping = True
        elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_SPACE and not onGround and vy < 0:
            vy = 0
            jumping = False

    pressedKeys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
    if pressedKeys[K_LEFT]:
        PlayerRect.x -= (4 + pressedKeys[K_LSHIFT] * 8)
        facingLeft = True
        moving = True
        Player = Player_left
        if PlayerRect.left < 0:
            PlayerRect.x += (4 + pressedKeys[K_LSHIFT] * 8)
        for rect in rects:
            if PlayerRect.left <= rect [0] + rect[2] and PlayerRect.left >= rect[0] and PlayerRect.y < rect[1] + rect[3] and PlayerRect.y > rect[1]:
                PlayerRect.x += (4 + pressedKeys[K_LSHIFT] * 8)
    elif pressedKeys[K_RIGHT]:
        PlayerRect.x += (4 + pressedKeys[K_LSHIFT] * 8)
        facingLeft = False
        moving = True
        Player = Player_right

        if PlayerRect.right > screenWidth:
            PlayerRect.right -= (4 + pressedKeys[K_LSHIFT] * 8)
        #walks against house rects
        for rect in rects:
            if PlayerRect.right >= rect[0] and PlayerRect.x <= rect[0] + rect[2]/2 and PlayerRect.y < rect[1] + rect[3] and PlayerRect.y > rect[1]:
                PlayerRect.right -= (4 + pressedKeys[K_LSHIFT] * 8)
    if event.type == KEYUP and (event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == K_LEFT):
        moving = False

    if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            done = True

    elif pressedKeys[K_ESCAPE]:
        done = True

    if not moving:
        Player = Player_facing_screen

    #----Bossen shoots player-----------------------------------------
    if goingLeft and PlayerRect.x < Boss.x and not finished and go:
        if Boss.x - PlayerRect.x <= 150 and PlayerRect.y + 20 == Boss.y:
            bmoving = False
            shoot = True
            count += 1
            bmoving = True
            count = 0

    elif goingRight and PlayerRect.x > Boss.x and not finished and go:
        if PlayerRect.x - Boss.x <= 150 and PlayerRect.y + 20 == Boss.y:
            bmoving = False
            shoot= True
            count += 1
            bmoving = True
            count = 0
    elif goingLeft and PlayerRect.x > Boss.x and not finished and go:
        bmoving = True

    elif goingRight and PlayerRect.x < Boss.x and not finished and go:
        bmoving = True

    if shoot == True and count == 1:
        shoots.append((Boss.x,(Boss.y + 5), (1,-1) [goingLeft] * 20))
        shoot = False

    #---Mob1 shoots player--------------------------------------
    if MobGoingLeft and PlayerRect.x < Mob.x and not finished and not dead1:
        if Mob.x - PlayerRect.x <= 150 and PlayerRect.y + 11 == Mob.y:
            M1moving = False
            M1Shoot = True
            M1Count += 1
            M1moving = True
            M1Count = 0
    elif MobGoingRight and PlayerRect.x > Mob.x and not finished and not dead1:
        if PlayerRect.x - Mob.x <= 150 and PlayerRect.y + 11 == Mob.y:
            M1moving = False
            M1Shoot = True
            M1Count += 1
            M1moving = True
            M1Count = 0
    elif MobGoingLeft and PlayerRect.x > Mob.x and not finished and not dead1:
        M1moving = True
    elif MobGoingRight and PlayerRect.x < Mob.x and not finished and not dead1:
        M1moving = True
    if M1Shoot == True and M1Count == 1:
        M1bullets.append((Mob.x,(Mob.y + 45), (1,-1) [MobGoingLeft] * 20))
        M1Shoot == False

    newM1bullets = []
    for M1bullet in M1bullets:
        if(-(screenWidth+100) < M1bullet[0] - Mob.x < (screenWidth + 100)):
            newM1bullets.append((M1bullet[0] + M1bullet[2], M1bullet[1], M1bullet[2]))
    M1bullets = newM1bullets
    #---Mob 2 shoots player------------------------------------------
    if Mob2GoingLeft and PlayerRect.x < Mob2.x and not finished and not dead2:
        if Mob2.x - PlayerRect.x <= 150 and PlayerRect.y + 11 == Mob2.y:
            M2moving = False
            M2Shoot = True
            M2Count += 1
            M2moving = True
            M2Count = 0
    elif Mob2GoingRight and PlayerRect.x > Mob2.x and not finished and not dead2:
        if PlayerRect.x - Mob2.x <= 150 and PlayerRect.y + 11 == Mob2.y:
            M2moving = False
            M2Shoot = True
            M2Count += 1
            M2moving = True
            M2Count = 0
    elif Mob2GoingLeft and PlayerRect.x > Mob2.x and not finished and not dead2:
        M2moving = True
    elif Mob2GoingRight and PlayerRect.x < Mob2.x and not finished and not dead2:
        M2moving = True
    if M2Shoot == True and M2Count == 1:
        M2bullets.append((Mob2.x,(Mob2.y + 45), (1,-1) [Mob2GoingLeft] * 20))
        M2Shoot == False

    newM2bullets = []
    for M2bullet in M2bullets:
        if(-(screenWidth+100) < M2bullet[0] - Mob2.x < (screenWidth + 100)):
            newM2bullets.append((M2bullet[0] + M2bullet[2], M2bullet[1], M2bullet[2]))
    M2bullets = newM2bullets
    #---Mob 3 shoots player----------------------------------------------------
    if Mob3GoingLeft and PlayerRect.x < Mob3.x and not finished and not dead3:
        if Mob3.x - PlayerRect.x <= 150 and PlayerRect.y + 11 == Mob3.y:
            M3moving = False
            M3Shoot = True
            M3Count += 1
            M3moving = True
            M3Count = 0
    elif Mob3GoingRight and PlayerRect.x > Mob3.x and not finished and not dead3:
        if PlayerRect.x - Mob3.x <= 150 and PlayerRect.y + 11 == Mob3.y:
            M3moving = False
            M3Shoot = True
            M3Count += 1
            M3moving = True
            M3Count = 0
    elif Mob3GoingLeft and PlayerRect.x > Mob3.x and not finished and not dead3:
        M3moving = True
    elif Mob3GoingRight and PlayerRect.x < Mob3.x and not finished and not dead3:
        M3moving = True
    if M3Shoot == True and M3Count == 1:
        M3bullets.append((Mob3.x,(Mob3.y + 45), (1,-1) [Mob3GoingLeft] * 20))
        M3Shoot == False

    newM3bullets = []
    for M3bullet in M3bullets:
        if(-(screenWidth+100) < M3bullet[0] - Mob3.x < (screenWidth + 100)):
            newM3bullets.append((M3bullet[0] + M3bullet[2], M3bullet[1], M3bullet[2]))
    M3bullets = newM3bullets
    #---Mob 4 shoots player----------------------------------------------------
    if Mob4GoingLeft and PlayerRect.x < Mob4.x and not finished and not dead4:
        if Mob4.x - PlayerRect.x <= 150 and PlayerRect.y + 11 == Mob4.y:
            M4moving = False
            M4Shoot = True
            M4Count += 1
            M4moving = True
            M4Count = 0
    elif Mob4GoingRight and PlayerRect.x > Mob4.x and not finished and not dead4:
        if PlayerRect.x - Mob4.x <= 150 and PlayerRect.y + 11 == Mob4.y:
            M4moving = False
            M4Shoot = True
            M4Count += 1
            M4moving = True
            M4Count = 0
    elif Mob4GoingLeft and PlayerRect.x > Mob4.x and not finished and not dead4:
        M4moving = True
    elif Mob4GoingRight and PlayerRect.x < Mob4.x and not finished and not dead4:
        M4moving = True
    if M4Shoot == True and M4Count == 1:
        M4bullets.append((Mob4.x,(Mob4.y + 45), (1,-1) [Mob4GoingLeft] * 20))
        M4Shoot == False

    newM4bullets = []
    for M4bullet in M4bullets:
        if(-(screenWidth+100) < M4bullet[0] - Mob4.x < (screenWidth + 100)):
            newM4bullets.append((M4bullet[0] + M4bullet[2], M4bullet[1], M4bullet[2]))
    M4bullets = newM4bullets
    newShoots = []
    for shoot in shoots:
        if(-(screenWidth+100) < shoot[0] - Boss.x < (screenWidth + 100)):
            newShoots.append((shoot[0] + shoot[2], shoot[1], shoot[2]))
    shoots = newShoots

    newBullets = []
    for bullet in bullets:
        if(-(screenWidth+100) < bullet[0] - x < (screenWidth + 100)):
            newBullets.append((bullet[0] + bullet[2], bullet[1], bullet[2]))
    bullets = newBullets

    PlayerRect.y += vy
    PlayerRect.x += vx

    vy = min(vy + g, 20)

    onGround = False

    # check collisions
    # floor
    if vy > 0 and PlayerRect.bottom >= screenHeight:
        if PlayerRect.bottom >= screenHeight and PlayerRect.bottom < screenHeight + vy:
            PlayerRect.bottom = screenHeight
            vy = 0
            onGround = True
    #floor in house
    for floor in floors:
        if vy > 0 and PlayerRect.x + 16 >= floor[0] and PlayerRect.x + 16 <= floor[0] + floor[2]:
            if PlayerRect.bottom >= floor[1] and PlayerRect.bottom < floor[1] + vy * 2:
                PlayerRect.bottom = floor[1]
                vy = 0
                onGround = True
                if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_DOWN:
                    PlayerRect.bottom = floor[1] + 7
                    onGround = False
    #roof on buildings and the balconies
    for roof in roofs:
        if vy > 0 and PlayerRect.x + 16 >= roof[0] and PlayerRect.x + 16 <= roof[0] + roof[2]:
            if PlayerRect.bottom >= roof[1] and PlayerRect.bottom < roof[1] + vy * 2:
                PlayerRect.bottom = roof[1]
                vy = 0
                onGround = True
                if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_DOWN:
                    PlayerRect.bottom = roof[1] + 7
                    onGround = False
    #--------Mob 1------------------------------------------------------------

    if MobGoingRight:
        Mobs = Mob_Right
        if M1moving:
            Mob.x += 3
        if Mob.right >= 449:
            MobGoingRight = False
            MobGoingLeft = True
    elif MobGoingLeft:
        Mobs = Mob_Left
        if M1moving:
            Mob.x -= 3
        if Mob.left <= 160:
            MobGoingLeft = False
            MobGoingRight = True
    #--------Mob 2-------------------------------------------------------------
    if Mob2GoingRight:
        Mobs2 = Mob2_Right
        if M2moving:
            Mob2.x += 3
        for rect in rects:
            if Mob2.right >= rect[0] and Mob2.x <= rect[0] + rect[2]/2 and Mob2.y < rect[1] + rect[3] and Mob2.y > rect[1]:
                Mob2GoingRight = False
                Mob2GoingLeft = True
    elif Mob2GoingLeft:
        Mobs2 = Mob_Left
        if M2moving:
            Mob2.x -= 3
        for rect in rects:
            if Mob2.left <= rect[0] + rect[2] and Mob2.left >= rect[0] and Mob2.y < rect[1] + rect[3] and Mob2.y > rect[1]:
                Mob2GoingLeft = False
                Mob2GoingRight = True
    #--------Mob 3-------------------------------------------------------------
    if Mob3GoingRight:
        Mobs3 = Mob3_Right
        if M3moving:
            Mob3.x += 3
        for rect in rects:
            if Mob3.right >= rect[0] and Mob3.x <= rect[0] + rect[2]/2 and Mob3.y < rect[1] + rect[3] and Mob3.y > rect[1]:
                Mob3GoingRight = False
                Mob3GoingLeft = True
    elif Mob3GoingLeft:
        Mobs3 = Mob3_Left
        if M3moving:
            Mob3.x -= 3
        for rect in rects:
            if Mob3.left <= rect[0] + rect[2] and Mob3.left >= rect[0] and Mob3.y < rect[1] + rect[3] and Mob3.y > rect[1]:
                Mob3GoingLeft = False
                Mob3GoingRight = True
    #--------Mob 4-------------------------------------------------------------
    if Mob4GoingRight:
        Mobs4 = Mob4_Right
        if M4moving:
            Mob4.x += 3
        for rect in rects:
            if Mob4.right >= rect[0] and Mob4.x <= rect[0] + rect[2]/2 and Mob4.y < rect[1] + rect[3] and Mob4.y > rect[1]:
                Mob4GoingRight = False
                Mob4GoingLeft = True
    elif Mob4GoingLeft:
        Mobs4 = Mob4_Left
        if M4moving:
            Mob4.x -= 3
        for rect in rects:
            if Mob4.left <= rect[0] + rect[2] and Mob4.left >= rect[0] and Mob4.y < rect[1] + rect[3] and Mob4.y > rect[1]:
                Mob4GoingLeft = False
                Mob4GoingRight = True
    if goingLeft:
        Bossen = Boss_left
        if bmoving and go:
            Boss.x -= 3
        for rect in rects:
            if Boss.left <= rect [0] + rect[2] and Boss.left >= rect[0] and Boss.y < rect[1] + rect[3] and Boss.y > rect[1]:
                goingLeft = False
                goingRight = True
    elif goingRight:
        Bossen = Boss_right
        if bmoving and go:
            Boss.x += 3
        for rect in rects:
            if Boss.right >= rect[0] and Boss.x <= rect[0] + rect[2]/2 and Boss.y < rect[1] + rect[3] and Boss.y > rect[1]:
                goingRight = False
                goingLeft = True

    #physics Mob1 och collision
    Mob.y += M1vy
    M1vy = min(M1vy + g, 20)
    M1onGround = False
    for roof in roofs:
        if M1vy > 0 and Mob.x + 16 >= roof[0] and Mob.x + 16 <= roof[0] + roof[2]:
            if Mob.bottom >= roof[1] and Mob.bottom < roof[1] + M1vy * 2:
                Mob.bottom = roof[1]
                M1vy = 0
                M1onGround = True
    #Physics Mob2 and collisions
    Mob2.y += M2vy
    M2vy = min(M2vy + g, 20)
    M2onGround = False
    for floor in floors:
        if M2vy > 0 and Mob2.x + 16 >= floor[0] and Mob2.x + 16 <= floor[0] + floor[2]:
            if Mob2.bottom >= floor[1] and Mob2.bottom < floor[1] + M2vy * 2:
                Mob2.bottom = floor[1]
                M2vy = 0
                M2onGround = True
    #Physics Mob3 and collisions
    Mob3.y += M3vy
    M3vy = min(M3vy + g, 20)
    M3onGround = False
    if M3vy > 0 and Mob3.bottom >= screenHeight:
        if Mob3.bottom >= screenHeight and Mob3.bottom < screenHeight + M3vy:
            Mob3.bottom = screenHeight
            M3vy = 0
            M3onGround = True
    #Physics Mob4 and collisions
    Mob4.y += M4vy
    M4vy = min(M4vy + g, 20)
    M4onGround = False
    if M4vy > 0 and Mob4.bottom >= screenHeight:
        if Mob4.bottom >= screenHeight and Mob4.bottom < screenHeight + M4vy:
            Mob4.bottom = screenHeight
            M4vy = 0
            M4onGround = True

    #Physics Boss
    Boss.y += bvy

    bvy = min(bvy + g, 20)

    BonGround = False

    # check collisions with floor
    for floor in floors:
        if bvy > 0 and Boss.x + 16 >= floor[0] and Boss.x + 16 <= floor[0] + floor[2]:
            if Boss.bottom >= floor[1] and Boss.bottom < floor[1] + bvy * 2:
                Boss.bottom = floor[1]
                bvy = 0
                BonGround = True
    jumping = jumping and vy < 0


    for i in range (1):     
        background = pygame.image.load('bakgrund.jpg')
        screen.blit(background, (0,0))

    for floor in floors:
        pygame.draw.line(screen,(120,88,34),(floor[0], floor[1]),(floor[0] + floor[2],floor[1]),1)

    for roof in roofs:
        pygame.draw.line(screen,(70,67,63),(roof[0], roof[1]),(roof[0] + roof[2],roof[1]),1)

    for rect in rects:

    for i in range (1):

    #Health bar och text
    if mute:
    #Player and boss and mobs
    if Life >= 0 and Life2 >= 0 and Life3 >= 0 and Life4 >= 0:
    if Life <= 0:
        M1moving = False
        M1Shoot = False
        dead1 = True
        if mute:
        if Life2 > 0:
        if Life3 > 0:
        if Life4 > 0:
    if Life2 <= 0:
        M2moving = False
        M2Shoot = False
        dead2 = True
        if mute:
        if Life > 0:
        if Life3 > 0:
        if Life4 > 0:
    if Life3 <= 0:
        M3moving = False
        M3Shoot = False
        dead3 = True
        if mute:
        if Life > 0:
        if Life2 > 0:
        if Life4 > 0:
    if Life4 <= 0:
        M4moving = False
        M4Shoot = False
        dead4 = True
        if mute:
        if Life > 0:
        if Life3 > 0:
        if Life2 > 0:

    #the shots
    #the boss shoots
    hurt = None
    for a, shoot in enumerate(shoots):
        brect = pygame.Rect(shoot[0] - 3, shoot[1] - 3,3*2, 3*2)
        shots = pygame.draw.circle(screen,(255,255,255),(brect.center),3)
        if brect.collidelistall(rects):
            hurt = a
            del shoots[a]
            count = 0

        elif brect.colliderect(PlayerRect):
            Health -= 25
            hurt = a
            del shoots[a]
            count = 0
    #Player shoots        
    hit = None
    for index, bullet in enumerate(bullets):
        crect = pygame.Rect(bullet[0] - 3, bullet[1] - 3,3*2,3*2)
        shot = pygame.draw.circle(screen,(255,255,255),(crect.center),3)
        if crect.collidelistall(rects):
            hit = index
            del bullets [index]

        if crect.colliderect(Boss):
            Bhealth -= 35
            hit = index
            del bullets[index]

        if crect.colliderect(Mob):
            dead1 = True
            Life = 0
            del bullets[index]
        if crect.colliderect(Mob2):
            dead2 = True
            Life2 = 0
            del bullets[index]
        if crect.colliderect(Mob3):
            dead3 = True
            Life3 = 0
            del bullets[index]
        if crect.colliderect(Mob4):
            dead4 = True
            Life4 = 0
            del bullets[index]

    #Mob1 sshoots
    m1 = None
    for Mb1, M1bullet in enumerate(M1bullets):
        m1rect = pygame.Rect(M1bullet[0] - 3, M1bullet[1] - 3,6,6)
        M1shot = pygame.draw.circle(screen,(255,255,255),(m1rect.center),3)
        if m1rect.collidelistall(rects):
            m1 = Mb1
            del M1bullets[Mb1]
            M1Count = 0
        elif m1rect.colliderect(PlayerRect):
            Health -= 10
            m1 = Mb1
            del M1bullets[Mb1]
            M1Count = 0
    #Mob2 shoots
    m2 = None
    for Mb2, M2bullet in enumerate(M2bullets):
        m2rect = pygame.Rect(M2bullet[0] - 3, M2bullet[1] - 3,6,6)
        M2shot = pygame.draw.circle(screen,(255,255,255),(m2rect.center),3)
        if m2rect.collidelistall(rects):
            m2 = Mb2
            del M2bullets[Mb2]
            M2Count = 0
        elif m2rect.colliderect(PlayerRect):
            Health -= 10
            m2 = Mb2
            del M2bullets[Mb2]
            M2Count = 0
    #Mob3 shoots
    m3 = None
    for Mb3, M3bullet in enumerate(M3bullets):
        m3rect = pygame.Rect(M3bullet[0] - 3, M3bullet[1] - 3,6,6)
        M3shot = pygame.draw.circle(screen,(255,255,255),(m3rect.center),3)
        if m3rect.collidelistall(rects):
            m3 = Mb3
            del M3bullets[Mb3]
            M3Count = 0
        elif m3rect.colliderect(PlayerRect):
            Health -= 10
            m3 = Mb3
            del M3bullets[Mb3]
            M3Count = 0
    #Mob4 shoots
    m4 = None
    for Mb4, M4bullet in enumerate(M4bullets):
        m4rect = pygame.Rect(M4bullet[0] - 3, M4bullet[1] - 3,6,6)
        M4shot = pygame.draw.circle(screen,(255,255,255),(m4rect.center),3)
        if m4rect.collidelistall(rects):
            m4 = Mb4
            del M4bullets[Mb4]
            M4Count = 0
        elif m4rect.colliderect(PlayerRect):
            Health -= 10
            m4 = Mb4
            del M4bullets[Mb4]
            M4Count = 0
    #If player is dead
    if Health <= 0:
        finished = True
        bmoving = False
        shoot = False
    #If boss is dead
    if Bhealth <= 0:
        Bdead = True
        finished = True
        bmoving = False
        shoot = False

    #if all gangsters are dead
    if Life <= 0 and Life2 <= 0 and Life3 <= 0 and Life4 <= 0 and not Bdead:
        go = True




the files

Okey solved the problem, Im officialy calling myself stupid lol!
the problem was that I was drawing the same thing twice, the only problem was that I hadent fixed it as I thought was still drawing out the background and the houses everytime I check to see wich mobs to blit. took that away and now it runs smooth, also moved the bliting of hp bar and life text and mute text to after the checking of wich mob to blit. Where I blit the player

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