hey guys,
i'm new to java ,,,and i have a problem wish u to get ur answer ASAP
i'm reading from a text file by PrintWriter , and there are 3 rows first row is ID
second row is name and third row is address. and i want to get the IDs into the java program so
that i could call a name with it.for example : if in the text file 001 is linked to "name" i want to call
that name by calling the id in the program....thanks.

and what exactly are you having trouble with? can you show us the code you've got so far and tell us where it's going wrong?

i explained everything in the text file....if it's possible please take a look and give me a proper solution :)

thank you very much ...

I don't really see you entering or using the input, so what exactly are you trying to do?

for instance:

String lineToRemove = remove;

where do you instantiate the 'remove' variable? it's pretty hard to see in that .txt. can't you paste your code in a post here, in a seperate code block per class?

or, for this:

if(trimmedLine.equals(lineToRemove)) continue;

now, as I said, I'm not entirely sure, but, you only read the number, say 002.
have you tried:

if(trimmedLine.startsWith(lineToRemove)) continue;

personally, I would recommend against using the continue; keyword.

replace it with something like this:


or, if I'm right with my guess that lineToRemove doesn't contain the value you need:

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