I'm working on a struct array and I need to dynamically delete elements from the struct. I have the added dynamically but I've run into some issues with deleting. I've researched different methods and tried a few. I found that one from here works, in that it will delete the entry but then using the view function won't print out the new array and crashes. I think it needs to be sorted but when I add my sort function it crashes before returning to the menu. The other method I tried also deleted the element through the index value but when viewed just outputted a bunch a symbols. Here's what I have. I commented out the 2nd method I used to see if that one in the end is easier to modify to work. Any help in the right direction would be beneficial.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h> /* not required for unix */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* stat */
struct person {
char firstname[12];
char lastname[12];
char birthdate[11];
void view(struct person *p, int max);
void swap(struct person *a, struct person *b);
void psort(struct person *p, int hi);
int add(struct person *p, int max); /* prompt for first, last, and bd (in main) */
int del(struct person *p, int max); /* prompt for index value (in main) */
int main(void)
struct stat st;
char choice;
FILE *f;
char filename[80] = "p19.db";
int i, n, max=5, size, done = 0;
struct person *p, *t;
struct person porig[5] = {{"Jack","Smith","1993-05-05"},{"Julie","Allen","1992-05-09"},
{"Sami","Sundance","1972-05-05"} };
char menu[] = "(v)iew (+)add (-)del (?)search (a)ge (s)ave (q)uit ? ";
f = fopen(filename,"wb"); /* write binary file */
fwrite(porig,sizeof(struct person),max,f);
if( stat(filename,&st)==0 )
if (st.st_mode & S_IFREG )
int i;
f = fopen(filename,"rb"); /* read binary file */
size = st.st_size;
t = p = (struct person *) malloc(size);
if ( fread(p,1,size,f)==size )
max = size/(sizeof(struct person));
//printf("BEFORE sort()\n");
//psort(p,max); /* test psort() */
//printf("AFTER sort()\n");
printf("Error in reading %s\n", filename);
printf("%s is not a regular file\n",filename);
printf("Unable to open %s\n", filename);
while ( !done )
printf("%s", menu);
scanf("%s", &choice);
case 'v': view(p,max); break;
case '+':
//struct person *t = p;
p = add(p,max);
if ( p==t )
max = max + 1;
case '-':
p = del(p,i);
max = max - 1;
case 'q': done = 1; break;
default: printf("Invalid choice.\n");
getchar(); /* system pause hack */
return 0;
void view(struct person *p, int max)
int i=0;
struct person *t = p;
printf("[%d]%13s%13s%11s\n", i, t->firstname, t->lastname, t->birthdate);
void swap(struct person *a, struct person *b)
struct person tempa = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = tempa;
int indexOfMin(struct person *p, int hi)
int i, mindex = 0;
if ( strcmp((p+i)->lastname,(p+mindex)->lastname )< 0 )
mindex = i;
return mindex;
void psort(struct person *p, int hi)
int i;
struct person *t = p;
for(i=0;i<hi-1;i++,t++) {
int add(struct person *p, int max)
int i;
struct person *t = NULL, *t0 = NULL, *p0 = p;
t = t0 = (struct person*)malloc(sizeof(struct person)*(max+1));
if ( t!=NULL )
*t++ = *p++;
printf("Enter a firstname, lastname and birthday (yyyy-mm-dd): ");
if ( scanf("%s%s%s", &t->firstname, &t->lastname, &t->birthdate)==3)
if ( p0==NULL )
p = t0;
p = p0;
fprintf(stderr,"Error, unable to malloc\n");
return add;
int del(struct person *p, int max)
int i = 0;
char deleteFirstname[12]; // Temp string to compare to existing array
char deleteLastname[12]; //temp string
char nullStr[11] = {"\0"}; // empty string to remove birthdate
printf("\nEnter firstname: ");
scanf("%s", deleteFirstname); //place into temp string
printf("Enter lastname: ");
scanf("%s", deleteLastname); //place into temp string
for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
if (strcmp(deleteFirstname, p[i].firstname) == 0) //compare deleteName to p.firstname
for (i = 0; i< max; i++)
if (strcmp(deleteLastname, p[i].lastname) == 0) //If deleteSurname matches p.lastname
strcpy(p[i].firstname, nullStr); //Put null into firstname
strcpy(p[i].lastname, nullStr); //Null into lastname
strcpy(p[i].birthdate, nullStr); //Null into birthdate
printf("Person removed from array.\n");
else printf("Invalid entry--try again.\n");
//int i, a;
//printf("Enter index value: ");
//scanf("%d", &i);
//if (i >= max+1)
//printf("Deletion not possible.\n");
//for ( a = i - 1 ; a < max - 1 ; a++ )
//p[a] = p[a+1];
return del;