I have been reading this eBook called C Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition.
I'm starting to get the hang of the logic at the moment
Something just struck my mind.
If a person wanted to build a program for photo editing. Kept It simple and basic only for cropping, lighting, and filters of all colors.
If a person wanted to build a photo editing program
Would the person write the code like this I won't use any punctions in the code at the moment since I am new and learning the ropes.
A person would write
"Okay Mr program you will crop photos once the mouse Is seletected and highlighted"
"You will have all sorts of colors from red, blue, orange, green, black, maple wood"
"Your lighting will be all sparks and flame lights, fire lights, dangerous sparks for lighting"
Would this be a way to write this kinda of program? I'm just making up the sentence as fictitious.
Or would it need more work?
C Is all about writing text and thinking logically. If I not mistaken correct me If I am.