I have been studying on my lonesome, in hopes of becoming more in touch with assembly, and feel that I have been doing pretty well so far.
However, I do have a few questions, including:
- What is the major/minor differences between a signed, and unsigned number? When do I need to worry about this?
- When would I use mul over imul or vice versa?
- When would I use div over idiv or vice versa?
- Why in binary addition, does 1 + 1 equal 0 with a carry and not 1 with a carry?
- In assembly programming in general, what are the major differences between protected, and unprotected?
- Is there anytime, you would use one mode over another?
pbj.codez -3 Junior Poster in Training
Dani 4,543 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member
Assembly Guy 72 Posting Whiz
pbj.codez commented: Thanks dude. +0
ShiftLeft 15 Junior Poster in Training
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