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Hobbiest developer ia64

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Ubuntu 12.04, Intel dual core,
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44 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft

I'm in the process of designing a console personal/business finance package for Linux. It's easy to identify the advantages of data abstraction through classes, but I'm not inclined to become proficient with STL or containers. Exception handling may become a consideration, but definitely memory allocation via "new". My own implementation …

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for ShiftLeft

For those interested in operating system development, this snippet tests status of A20. It is the line that allows memory beyond 1 meg to be addressed, otherwise it will just wrap around which some applications and versions of DOS depend on. My bootloader **MBR1_44** has switched system to protected (*32 …

Member Avatar for Mahnoor_1

#1: Is the compiler your using case sensitive? If so, color & Color are not the same #2: What is the calling conventions of SetTextColor? CDELC pushes value or pointer on stack mov eax, [Color] + (black * 16) push eax call SetTextColor You could also; push dword [Color] + …

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for phoenix254

You should maybe finish the thread you started 5 days ago on the exact same question. What was lacking in the answers you got then.

Member Avatar for Ion_1
Member Avatar for ShiftLeft

This will take a value in EAX or AX, convert to ASCII hex with optional padding and upper or lower case This example would yield "---fc103a" push word 0x222d ; 32 bit conversion, padd output with '-' push word ASCPntr ; Pointer to end of conversion buffer push 0xfc103a call …

Member Avatar for phoenix254

Lets assume for example PI = 180 / 57. Division essentially is nothing more than successive subtractions, so based on that premis, one could construct a loop as follows for (Cnt = 0; Cnt < Presision; Cnt++ ) { Result = 0; while (Value > Divisor) { Value -= Divisor; …

Member Avatar for phoenix254
Member Avatar for hadisur_rahman

Why are you starting a new thread for a question you just asked [here]( yesterday

Member Avatar for Lutina
Member Avatar for kearradcrs

There are a couple of pieces you've got a pretty good handle on, but what would be helpful now, is to show your entries and what the program yields thus far. I assume your entries are 94 "A", 88 "B", 80 "B" & 95 "A". Might be a good idea …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for hadisur_rahman

Here is the [explanation]( you seek, which by the way was just a real simple Google search for "modulus division".

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for hadisur_rahman

Hopefully you understand the concept of bit patterns and that way at line 48 you could code whatever conditionals you need. I left out the 6 char conditional, you can stuff it in wherever it will work. I'm also new to C++ and think there might be better ways to …

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for Thomas_25

Although I've never had a chance to benchmark my concept with a large dataset, I've implemented a slight twist to the insertion sort wherein I maintain an array of pointers to the first element. PNTR(0) to the fist alpha numerically. 1 - 26 correspond to letters a-z and PNTR(27) anything …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ShiftLeft

This is a special purpose boot loader for a system I've called Proto-Sys. Eventually it is going to become a 64 bit application that will encompass all the resources to hook into drivers, benchmark code and optomize algorithms. Synopsis: * Preserve registers as they were passed by BIOS * Create …

Member Avatar for london-G

Yes, DBMS (Database Management System) is software that manipulates the data. There are [these]( most popular ones. SQL is simply an integrated or independant layer that will extract a subset of a larger database and then, that smaller database can be manipulated by the DBMS, but data is not considered …

Member Avatar for london-G
Member Avatar for ccbuilder

Assuming your using Intel or AMD rotate right or left with carry (RCR or RCL) respectively into any of the general purpose registers or even memory.

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for sagngh8

> .Is it really worth learning assembly language? No. I am an assembly only programmer at the lowest level, not using macros or any higher level extensions specifically. As a hobbiest and a good dose of nostalgia mixed in as my first ASM attempt was in 1978, I can afford …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for ShiftLeft

I'm pretty comfortable with "C", but where I lack, is understanding what types of options must be passed to compiler to produce the tightest code possible. Here is an example of a formula in "C"; int ADDR = VIDEO_BASE + (WND_X + POS_X) + ((WND_Y + POS_Y) * SCR_X) * …

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for pbj.codez

Excerpt from Intel's manual > Divides the (signed) value in the AX, DX:AX, or EDX:EAX (dividend) by the source operand (divisor) and stores the result in the AX (AH:AL), DX:AX, or EDX:EAX registers. The source operand can be a general-purpose register or a memory location. The action of this instruction …

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy
Member Avatar for pbj.codez

The [X86]( processor has two fundemantal modes, [Real]( & [Protected]( There are 4 other [modes]( derived from these and unreal or as you put it unprotected is one, or maybe you meant real mode. At this point in time and assuming you're very novice I wouldn't delve into this too …

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for bourney

What you need to do is write the input algo yourself. What you've done is taken the disassembly from something or someone else and tried to make it look like your own work. This example wouldn't even compile.

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for ShiftLeft

This code will not work on EMU8086 or any processor prior to 80286. Line 40 would need to be changed.

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for whitech

ASSUME esi : ptr workers mov ebx, [esi:idnum] - or - mov ebx, [esi: Employee:idnumb] ASSSUME esi : nothing Been quite sometime since I've used MASM, so the move may not be exactly right, but should get you started in the right direction.

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for jannesb1

There is nothing wrong with the calculation part global _start section .const Sum dd 0 section .text _start mov ecx, 4 xor eax, eax .L0 mov bx, 1 shl bx, cl add eax, ebx dec ecx jnz .L0 cmp eax, 30 ; Result in EAX is 1EH .Done xor rdi, …

Member Avatar for jannesb1
Member Avatar for bobby2525

The difference between upper and lower case in ASCII characters is bit 5. "D" = 44H = 0100 0100 "d" = 64H = 0110 0100 So striping bit 5 converts to upper and setting bit 5 converts to lower mov al, 64H ; AL = "d" and al, 5FH ; …

Member Avatar for sbesch
Member Avatar for Fix_It

Actually, it is X86 and more specifically MASM for windows. I don't have a machine to compile and test, but the best advice I have is trace through to line 101 and see if your returned an integer atom. If not you know one of the values is wrong in …

Member Avatar for Fix_It
Member Avatar for MrMicro

In lines 13 & 14, what you want to be doing is incrementing the pointer, not adding two to the contents of where they are pointing. add si, 2 add di, 2 or inc si inc si inc di inc di then cmp di, arr_e

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for Sasquadge

Assume AX = 4423H 1: Move AX -> CX 2: Shift AH -> AL 3: Shift CL -> CH 4: Move CH -> AH BSWAP assuming your using Intel converts edian values, but what you require isn't exactly an edian conversion.

Member Avatar for Sasquadge
Member Avatar for Goldfinch
Member Avatar for Goldfinch
Member Avatar for stayyaba

At line 37, you need to covert the value in AL to a digit. See examples of converting Binary to ASCII. Simply, a value of 9 lets say in AL needs to be 39H so it will display as the digit 9. Otherwise it's interpreted on most systems as TAB.

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for CreationK

Depends which assember your using. In NASM lines 1 & 2 are ok, but 3 needs to be qualified with MOV **WORD** [SI], 2000H. In MASM all need be qualified with MOV **WORD PTR** SI,DS.

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for matant86

What are you converting to. This 20 bit value have these equivalents. Bin: 1001 1100 1111 0110 1010 Hex: 9CF6A Oct: 2347552 Dec: 642922 The loop for all these is much the same, it's how the result is converted to ASCII is quite a bit different for each.

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft

The End.