There is only so much I can learn from free online sites (though I have learned some important things) and was wondering what books you would reccomend to further my C++ study?

Additionally, I've heard bad things about my compiler, Bloodshead DevC++, in that it would be abandoned or is alreay abandoned so it recieves no new updates for its libraries, and was wondering what compilers you all reccomend? If suggested enough I might take the Microsoft one.

*EDIT* I know there is a book section, but I'm accually more after personal suggestions/reviews.

Go for
Accelerated C++ By Andrew Koenig & Barbara Moo

As far as compiler is concerned, DEV C++ has a pretty nice one.

I know there is a book section, but I'm accually more after personal suggestions/reviews.

Did you actually read the C++ Books thread stickied at the top?

Dev C++ is just a nice free IDE that happens to use public domain compilers like g++ and gcc. Rumors about its death are a little premature, and are most likely spread by commercial interests, so you spend your money on their buggy compilers.

My preferred book is "Standard C++ Bible" by Al Stevens and Clayton Walnum. A great reference book with lots of fine examples.

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