Hi, I m new in programming language and i m using turbo c . Can it be possible to give the header file windows.h in turbo c ? And if it is possible then please give the detail function and related code of it.I will be remain thankful to you.

Can it be possible to give the header file windows.h in turbo c

No -- turbo C compiler is too old. It is an ancient compiler that pre-dates MS-Windows and only uses ancient MS-DOS operating system. You need to get a more modern compiler such as free Visual Studio 2012 Express or Code::Blocks. For beginners I recommend Code::Blocks because it is simpler to learn how to use.

Can it be possible to give the header file windows.h in turbo c ?

Note that simply getting that header would do a whole lot of nothing. A header typically contains delcarations and requires linking with a static or dynamic object library for those declarations to be useful in any way.

As AD said, your compiler is ancient and you're sure to encounter a number of issues when writing code for a modern operating system. Not the least of these issues is Turbo C is a 16-bit compiler, which greatly limits you even though your OS is 32 or 64-bit.

The 1980s weren't that great. Come join us in the new millenium.

The 1980s weren't that great.

Except for the invention of the Internet, the adoption of seatbelts, Michael Jackson, Knight Rider, and, of course, the invention of miniskirts. And the greatest miracle of them all, my birth ;)

Can it be possible to give the header file windows.h in turbo c ?

Short answer: No.
Long answer: Maybe, but not worth the effort.

Change to a more recent compiler. There are plenty of free compilers available out there, like CodeBlocks and Visual Studio ("Express" editions are free).

Except for the invention of the Internet, the adoption of seatbelts, Michael Jackson, Knight Rider, and, of course, the invention of miniskirts. And the greatest miracle of them all, my birth ;)

Nifty things happen or are invented in every decade, but that doesn't make living in the decade equally nifty. ;)

Living in the 1980s wasn't all that bad. afterall we had the Reagon revolution and Reagonomics. Of course he wasn't perfect, but he was IMHO one of the better US Presidents during my lifetime. The one thing I hated was the advent of hevy metal music, never did like it. And we can't forget the introduction of MS-DOS operating system in 1981 which completely revolutionized the world in the way we think and act.

Oh God no, please, no politics!

You can't talk about life without also talking about politics.

Well, how about just no politicians? :)

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