what ide can i use for c# programming? except for visual studio?

thank you :)

Notepad, Notepad++

C# is a Microsoft specific language and relies on the Microsoft compiler, so your options are very limited.

I believe there are only three different IDEs;
1. Visual Studio (You can use the Express editions for free)
2. SharpDevelop
3. MonoDevelop

If you are dead against using Visual Studio (which I personally think is the best IDE for C# and one of the best in general) then SharpDevelop (also known as #develop) is your best alternative.

You can use MonoDevelop but I wouldn't unless you were building for Linux.

Totaly agree with Ketsuekiame, VS is very good!
But if you insist you could use an editor of your liking(see C#Jaap perhaps) and use this

C# is a Microsoft specific language and relies on the Microsoft compiler, so your options are very limited.

.NET is a Microsoft specific implementation of the CLI that includes C#. C# is an internationally standardized language whose evolution is driven solely by Microsoft presently, but there's nothing stopping someone from writing a compiler for it. If nothing else, the existence of Mono belies your statement that C# relies on the Microsoft compiler.

I'm curious why the OP wants to exclude Visual Studio.

commented: Good point about C#, was just trying to simplify. As you say, it's pretty much solely driven by MS. +9

I was just trying to keep it simple ;)

I just installed SharpDevelop. It looks almost identical to Visual Studio IDE.


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