I am currently learnning c++ from a text book. but I have come accross an error when trying to run the program.
The error reads like this:

fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Did you forget to add '#include "StdAfx.h"' to your source code?

My code reads:

include <iostream>
include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()


string username;
string password;
bool success;

cout<<"\tGame Designer's Network\n"<<endl;

        cout<<"Username: "<<endl;

        cout<<"Password: "<<endl;

        if (username == "Naughty Dog" && password == "Uncharted")
            cout<<"Hey, Drake\n"<<endl;
        else if (username == "Nintendo" && password == "Mario Bros")

            cout<<"Oh mama mia, it's luigi.\n"<<endl;
        else if (username == "Bongie" && password == "Halo")
            cout<<"Welcome, Master Cheif.\n"<<endl;
            success= true;
        else if (username == "gues" || password == "guest")
            cout<<"Welcome, guest.\n"<<endl;
            success= true;
            cout<<"invalid password or username, plaese try again.";
    } while (!success);
    return 0;


what compiler are you using? if you are using msvc++ you have to pick a win32 console application.

Thank you, I had apparently picked something else. The program is now running without the error.

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