How to maximize forms?
What i mean is that, if i maximized my form. The objects inside will be maximized too and will be on the same position. Objects such as Tab Control, Tree View, List View and other objects.


Have you looked at the dock property of each control? If your needs are more complicated, you could handle the forms resize event and adjust each control according to the new size.

@Reverend Jim
Yes, that is what i want. How to do that?

I can't give you an all-in-one solution. It gets tricky because you have to recalculate the size and position of every control, reset every font for every text element and account for the fact that the aspect ratio of the maximized form may not match the aspect ratio of the unmaximized form.

Why would you want to do this?

I know now what to do. By using anchor. :)

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