I'm making a simple text based game in python, which works fine until I activate "debug" mode (in game, with /debug), which is supposed to change this:

# # # # # # # # # # # #
# . . . . . . . . . . #
# . . . . . . . . . . #
# . . . . . . . . . . #
# . . . . . . . . . . #
# . . . . . . . . . . #
# . . . . . . . . . . #
# . . + . . . . . . . #
# . . . . . . . . . . #
# . . . . . . . . . . #
# @ . . . . . . . . . #
# # # # # # # # # # # #

Into this:

 # # # # # # # # # # # #
10 . . . . . . . . . . #
 9 . . . . . . . . . . #
 8 . . . . . . . . . . #
 7 . . . . . . . . . . #
 6 . . . . . . . . . . #
 5 . . . . . . . . . . #
 4 . . + . . . . . . . #
 3 . . . . . . . . . . #
 2 . . . . . . . . . . #
 1 @ . . . . . . . . . #
 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 #

But instead gives this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Location\On\HDD\Game.py", line 336, in <module>
    if __name__ == '__main__': main()
  File "Location\On\HDD\Game.py", line 277, in main
    walls.btm = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','20']
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'walls' referenced before assignment

Which is odd because "walls" is a class not a variable!
How would I fix this? And what is wrong? All help is greatly apreciated.

Here is the code for the game:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import random
import time
import os

class vars:
    running = 1
    debug = 0 #Debug mode on/off  ~ default = off
    message = ("")
    n = 1

class ex:
    placed = 0
    y = 0
    x = 0
    last_x = 1
    last_y = 1

class char:
    x = 1
    y = 1

class map:
    size = 1
    max_x = 10
    max_y = 10
    x1 = ["."] * 20
    x2 = ["."] * 20
    x3 = ["."] * 20
    x4 = ["."] * 20
    x5 = ["."] * 20
    x6 = ["."] * 20
    x7 = ["."] * 20
    x8 = ["."] * 20
    x9 = ["."] * 20
    x10 = ["."] * 20
    x11 = ["."] * 20
    x12 = ["."] * 20
    x13 = ["."] * 20
    x14 = ["."] * 20
    x15 = ["."] * 20
    x16 = ["."] * 20
    x17 = ["."] * 20
    x18 = ["."] * 20
    x19 = ["."] * 20
    x20 = ["."] * 20
    x21 = ["."] * 20
    x22 = ["."] * 20
    x23 = ["."] * 20
    x24 = ["."] * 20
    x25 = ["."] * 20
    x26 = ["."] * 20
    x27 = ["."] * 20
    x28 = ["."] * 20
    x29 = ["."] * 20
    x30 = ["."] * 20

    def reset ():
        map.x1 = ["."] * 20
        map.x2 = ["."] * 20
        map.x3 = ["."] * 20
        map.x4 = ["."] * 20
        map.x5 = ["."] * 20
        map.x6 = ["."] * 20
        map.x7 = ["."] * 20
        map.x8 = ["."] * 20
        map.x9 = ["."] * 20
        map.x10 = ["."] * 20
        map.x11 = ["."] * 20
        map.x12 = ["."] * 20
        map.x13 = ["."] * 20
        map.x14 = ["."] * 20
        map.x15 = ["."] * 20
        map.x16 = ["."] * 20
        map.x17 = ["."] * 20
        map.x18 = ["."] * 20
        map.x19 = ["."] * 20
        map.x20 = ["."] * 20
        map.x21 = ["."] * 20
        map.x22 = ["."] * 20
        map.x23 = ["."] * 20
        map.x24 = ["."] * 20
        map.x25 = ["."] * 20
        map.x26 = ["."] * 20
        map.x27 = ["."] * 20
        map.x28 = ["."] * 20
        map.x29 = ["."] * 20
        map.x30 = ["."] * 20

def set_char_loc ():
    if (1 <= char.x <= map.max_x and 1 <= char.y <= map.max_y):
        if (char.x == ex.x and char.y > ex.y):
            vars.n = 2
            vars.n = 1
        if (char.x == 1):
            map.x1.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@') 
        elif (char.x == 2):
            map.x2.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 3):
            map.x3.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 4):
            map.x4.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 5):
            map.x5.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 6):
            map.x6.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 7):
            map.x7.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 8):
            map.x8.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 9):
            map.x9.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 10):
            map.x10.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 11):
            map.x11.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@') 
        elif (char.x == 12):
            map.x12.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 13):
            map.x13.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 14):
            map.x14.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 15):
            map.x15.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 16):
            map.x16.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 17):
            map.x17.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 18):
            map.x18.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 19):
            map.x19.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')
        elif (char.x == 20):
            map.x20.insert((char.y - vars.n), '@')

def set_ex_loc ():
    if not (ex.x == char.x and ex.y == char.y):       
        if (ex.x == 1):
            map.x1.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 2 ):
            map.x2.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 3 ):
            map.x3.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 4 ):
            map.x4.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 5 ):
            map.x5.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 6 ):
            map.x6.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 7 ):
            map.x7.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 8 ):
            map.x8.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 9 ):
            map.x9.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 10 ):
            map.x10.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 11):
            map.x11.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 12 ):
            map.x12.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 13 ):
            map.x13.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 14 ):
            map.x14.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 15 ):
            map.x15.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 16 ):
            map.x16.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 17 ):
            map.x17.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 18 ):
            map.x18.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 19 ):
            map.x19.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')
        elif (ex.x == 20 ):
            map.x20.insert((ex.y  - 1), '+')

class walls:
    top = ["#"] * 30
    right = ["#"] * 30
    corner = ["#"] * 8
    btm = ["#"] * 30
    left = ["#"] * 30
    def reset ():
        walls.top = ["#"] * 30
        walls.right = ["#"] * 30
        walls.corner = ["#"] * 8
        walls.btm = ["#"] * 30
        walls.left = ["#"] * 30

def draw_map (size):
    if size == 1:
        map.max_x = 10; map.max_y = 10
        print( walls.corner[0],walls.top[0],walls.top[1],walls.top[2],walls.top[3],walls.top[4],walls.top[5],walls.top[6],walls.top[7],walls.top[8],walls.top[9],walls.corner[1] )
        print( walls.left[9],map.x1[9],map.x2[9],map.x3[9],map.x4[9],map.x5[9],map.x6[9],map.x7[9],map.x8[9],map.x9[9],map.x10[9],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.left[8],map.x1[8],map.x2[8],map.x3[8],map.x4[8],map.x5[8],map.x6[8],map.x7[8],map.x8[8],map.x9[8],map.x10[8],walls.right[1])
        print( walls.left[7],map.x1[7],map.x2[7],map.x3[7],map.x4[7],map.x5[7],map.x6[7],map.x7[7],map.x8[7],map.x9[7],map.x10[7],walls.right[2])
        print( walls.left[6],map.x1[6],map.x2[6],map.x3[6],map.x4[6],map.x5[6],map.x6[6],map.x7[6],map.x8[6],map.x9[6],map.x10[6],walls.right[3])
        print( walls.left[5],map.x1[5],map.x2[5],map.x3[5],map.x4[5],map.x5[5],map.x6[5],map.x7[5],map.x8[5],map.x9[5],map.x10[5],walls.right[4])
        print( walls.left[4],map.x1[4],map.x2[4],map.x3[4],map.x4[4],map.x5[4],map.x6[4],map.x7[4],map.x8[4],map.x9[4],map.x10[4],walls.right[5])
        print( walls.left[3],map.x1[3],map.x2[3],map.x3[3],map.x4[3],map.x5[3],map.x6[3],map.x7[3],map.x8[3],map.x9[3],map.x10[3],walls.right[6])
        print( walls.left[2],map.x1[2],map.x2[2],map.x3[2],map.x4[2],map.x5[2],map.x6[2],map.x7[2],map.x8[2],map.x9[2],map.x10[2],walls.right[7])
        print( walls.left[1],map.x1[1],map.x2[1],map.x3[1],map.x4[1],map.x5[1],map.x6[1],map.x7[1],map.x8[1],map.x9[1],map.x10[1],walls.right[8])
        print( walls.left[0],map.x1[0],map.x2[0],map.x3[0],map.x4[0],map.x5[0],map.x6[0],map.x7[0],map.x8[0],map.x9[0],map.x10[0],walls.right[9])
        print( walls.corner[0],walls.btm[0],walls.btm[1],walls.btm[2],walls.btm[3],walls.btm[4],walls.btm[5],walls.btm[6],walls.btm[7],walls.btm[8],walls.btm[9],walls.corner[1])

    if size == 2:
        map.max_x = 20; map.max_y = 10
        print( walls.corner[0],walls.top[0],walls.top[1],walls.top[2],walls.top[3],walls.top[4],walls.top[5],walls.top[6],walls.top[7],walls.top[8],walls.top[9],walls.top[10],walls.top[11],walls.top[12],walls.top[13],walls.top[14],walls.top[15],walls.top[16],walls.top[17],walls.top[18],walls.top[19],walls.corner[1])
        print( walls.left[9],map.x1[9],map.x2[9],map.x3[9],map.x4[9],map.x5[9],map.x6[9],map.x7[9],map.x8[9],map.x9[9],map.x10[9],map.x11[9],map.x12[9],map.x13[9],map.x14[9],map.x15[9],map.x16[9],map.x17[9],map.x18[9],map.x19[9],map.x20[9],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.left[8],map.x1[8],map.x2[8],map.x3[8],map.x4[8],map.x5[8],map.x6[8],map.x7[8],map.x8[8],map.x9[8],map.x10[8],map.x11[8],map.x12[8],map.x13[8],map.x14[8],map.x15[8],map.x16[8],map.x17[8],map.x18[8],map.x19[8],map.x20[8],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.left[7],map.x1[7],map.x2[7],map.x3[7],map.x4[7],map.x5[7],map.x6[7],map.x7[7],map.x8[7],map.x9[7],map.x10[7],map.x11[7],map.x12[7],map.x13[7],map.x14[7],map.x15[7],map.x16[7],map.x17[7],map.x18[7],map.x19[7],map.x20[7],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.left[6],map.x1[6],map.x2[6],map.x3[6],map.x4[6],map.x5[6],map.x6[6],map.x7[6],map.x8[6],map.x9[6],map.x10[6],map.x11[6],map.x12[6],map.x13[6],map.x14[6],map.x15[6],map.x16[6],map.x17[6],map.x18[6],map.x19[6],map.x20[6],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.left[5],map.x1[5],map.x2[5],map.x3[5],map.x4[5],map.x5[5],map.x6[5],map.x7[5],map.x8[5],map.x9[5],map.x10[5],map.x11[5],map.x12[5],map.x13[5],map.x14[5],map.x15[5],map.x16[5],map.x17[5],map.x18[5],map.x19[5],map.x20[5],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.left[4],map.x1[4],map.x2[4],map.x3[4],map.x4[4],map.x5[4],map.x6[4],map.x7[4],map.x8[4],map.x9[4],map.x10[4],map.x11[4],map.x12[4],map.x13[4],map.x14[4],map.x15[4],map.x16[4],map.x17[4],map.x18[4],map.x19[4],map.x20[4],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.left[3],map.x1[3],map.x2[3],map.x3[3],map.x4[3],map.x5[3],map.x6[3],map.x7[3],map.x8[3],map.x9[3],map.x10[3],map.x11[3],map.x12[3],map.x13[3],map.x14[3],map.x15[3],map.x16[3],map.x17[3],map.x18[3],map.x19[3],map.x20[3],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.left[2],map.x1[2],map.x2[2],map.x3[2],map.x4[2],map.x5[2],map.x6[2],map.x7[2],map.x8[2],map.x9[2],map.x10[2],map.x11[2],map.x12[2],map.x13[2],map.x14[2],map.x15[2],map.x16[2],map.x17[2],map.x18[2],map.x19[2],map.x20[2],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.left[1],map.x1[1],map.x2[1],map.x3[1],map.x4[1],map.x5[1],map.x6[1],map.x7[1],map.x8[1],map.x9[1],map.x10[1],map.x11[1],map.x12[1],map.x13[1],map.x14[1],map.x15[1],map.x16[1],map.x17[1],map.x18[1],map.x19[1],map.x20[1],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.left[0],map.x1[0],map.x2[0],map.x3[0],map.x4[0],map.x5[0],map.x6[0],map.x7[0],map.x8[0],map.x9[0],map.x10[0],map.x11[0],map.x12[0],map.x13[0],map.x14[0],map.x15[0],map.x16[0],map.x17[0],map.x18[0],map.x19[0],map.x20[0],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.corner[0],walls.btm[0],walls.btm[1],walls.btm[2],walls.btm[3],walls.btm[4],walls.btm[5],walls.btm[6],walls.btm[7],walls.btm[8],walls.btm[9],walls.btm[10],walls.btm[11],walls.btm[12],walls.btm[13],walls.btm[14],walls.btm[15],walls.btm[16],walls.btm[17],walls.btm[18],walls.btm[19],walls.corner[4])

    if size == 3:
        map.max_x = 10; map.max_y = 20
        print( walls.corner[0],walls.top[0],walls.top[1],walls.top[2],walls.top[3],walls.top[4],walls.top[5],walls.top[6],walls.top[7],walls.top[8],walls.top[9],walls.corner[1] )
        print( walls.left[19],map.x1[19],map.x2[19],map.x3[19],map.x4[19],map.x5[19],map.x6[19],map.x7[19],map.x8[19],map.x9[19],map.x10[19],walls.right[19])
        print( walls.left[18],map.x1[18],map.x2[18],map.x3[18],map.x4[18],map.x5[18],map.x6[18],map.x7[18],map.x8[18],map.x9[18],map.x10[18],walls.right[18])
        print( walls.left[17],map.x1[17],map.x2[17],map.x3[17],map.x4[17],map.x5[17],map.x6[17],map.x7[17],map.x8[17],map.x9[17],map.x10[17],walls.right[17])
        print( walls.left[16],map.x1[16],map.x2[16],map.x3[16],map.x4[16],map.x5[16],map.x6[16],map.x7[16],map.x8[16],map.x9[16],map.x10[16],walls.right[16])
        print( walls.left[15],map.x1[15],map.x2[15],map.x3[15],map.x4[15],map.x5[15],map.x6[15],map.x7[15],map.x8[15],map.x9[15],map.x10[15],walls.right[15])
        print( walls.left[14],map.x1[14],map.x2[14],map.x3[14],map.x4[14],map.x5[14],map.x6[14],map.x7[14],map.x8[14],map.x9[14],map.x10[14],walls.right[14])
        print( walls.left[13],map.x1[13],map.x2[13],map.x3[13],map.x4[13],map.x5[13],map.x6[13],map.x7[13],map.x8[13],map.x9[13],map.x10[13],walls.right[13])
        print( walls.left[12],map.x1[12],map.x2[12],map.x3[12],map.x4[12],map.x5[12],map.x6[12],map.x7[12],map.x8[12],map.x9[12],map.x10[12],walls.right[12])
        print( walls.left[11],map.x1[11],map.x2[11],map.x3[11],map.x4[11],map.x5[11],map.x6[11],map.x7[11],map.x8[11],map.x9[11],map.x10[11],walls.right[11])
        print( walls.left[10],map.x1[10],map.x2[10],map.x3[10],map.x4[10],map.x5[10],map.x6[10],map.x7[10],map.x8[10],map.x9[10],map.x10[10],walls.right[10])
        print( walls.left[9],map.x1[9],map.x2[9],map.x3[9],map.x4[9],map.x5[9],map.x6[9],map.x7[9],map.x8[9],map.x9[9],map.x10[9],walls.right[9])
        print( walls.left[8],map.x1[8],map.x2[8],map.x3[8],map.x4[8],map.x5[8],map.x6[8],map.x7[8],map.x8[8],map.x9[8],map.x10[8],walls.right[8])
        print( walls.left[7],map.x1[7],map.x2[7],map.x3[7],map.x4[7],map.x5[7],map.x6[7],map.x7[7],map.x8[7],map.x9[7],map.x10[7],walls.right[7])
        print( walls.left[6],map.x1[6],map.x2[6],map.x3[6],map.x4[6],map.x5[6],map.x6[6],map.x7[6],map.x8[6],map.x9[6],map.x10[6],walls.right[6])
        print( walls.left[5],map.x1[5],map.x2[5],map.x3[5],map.x4[5],map.x5[5],map.x6[5],map.x7[5],map.x8[5],map.x9[5],map.x10[5],walls.right[5])
        print( walls.left[4],map.x1[4],map.x2[4],map.x3[4],map.x4[4],map.x5[4],map.x6[4],map.x7[4],map.x8[4],map.x9[4],map.x10[4],walls.right[4])
        print( walls.left[3],map.x1[3],map.x2[3],map.x3[3],map.x4[3],map.x5[3],map.x6[3],map.x7[3],map.x8[3],map.x9[3],map.x10[3],walls.right[3])
        print( walls.left[2],map.x1[2],map.x2[2],map.x3[2],map.x4[2],map.x5[2],map.x6[2],map.x7[2],map.x8[2],map.x9[2],map.x10[2],walls.right[2])
        print( walls.left[1],map.x1[1],map.x2[1],map.x3[1],map.x4[1],map.x5[1],map.x6[1],map.x7[1],map.x8[1],map.x9[1],map.x10[1],walls.right[1])
        print( walls.left[0],map.x1[0],map.x2[0],map.x3[0],map.x4[0],map.x5[0],map.x6[0],map.x7[0],map.x8[0],map.x9[0],map.x10[0],walls.right[0])
        print( walls.corner[0],walls.btm[0],walls.btm[1],walls.btm[2],walls.btm[3],walls.btm[4],walls.btm[5],walls.btm[6],walls.btm[7],walls.btm[8],walls.btm[9],walls.corner[1])

def main ():

    message = ("")

    while vars.running == 1:

        if char.x == ex.x and char.y == ex.y:
            message = (" You escaped!")
            ex.placed = 0

        while ex.placed == 0:
            ex.y = random.randint(1, map.max_y)
            ex.x = random.randint(1, map.max_x)
            char.x = ex.last_x
            char.y = ex.last_y
            ex.last_y = ex.y
            ex.last_x = ex.x
            ex.placed = 1

        if vars.debug == 1:
            walls.btm = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','20']
            walls.left = [' 1',' 2',' 3',' 4',' 5',' 6',' 7',' 8',' 9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20']
            walls.corner[0] = (' #');walls,corner[2] = (' #')

        print(message);message = ("")
        if vars.debug == 1:
            print(char.x,':', char.y,',',ex.x,':',ex.y,'    mapsize:', map.size)

        move = input().lower()
        if move == "quit":
            vars.running = 0
        elif move == "help":
            message = (" 'w' and 's' to move up and down\n 'a' and 'd' to move left and right\n 'quit' to quit")
        elif move.startswith('/'):
            if "debug" in move:
                if vars.debug == 0:
                    vars.debug = 1
                elif vars.debug == 1:
                    vars.debug = 0
            elif "char.x" in move:
                for c in range(1, 10):
                    c2 = ("%d" % (c))
                    if c2 in move:
                        char.x = c
            elif "char.y" in move:
                for b in range(1, 10):
                    b2 = ("%d" % (b))
                    if b2 in move:
                        char.y = b
            elif "mapsize" in move:
                for m in range(1, 5):
                    m2 = ("%d" % (m))
                    if m2 in move:
                        map.size = m
                message = (" Unrecognised command")
        elif move == "w" or move == "s" or move == "a" or move == "d":
            if move == "w" and (char.y != map.max_y):
                char.y += 1
            elif move == "s" and (char.y != 1):
                char.y -= 1
            elif move == "a" and (char.x != 1):
                char.x -= 1
            elif move == "d" and (char.x != map.max_x):
                char.x += 1
                message = ("You can't move there!")
            message = (" Incorrect input\n Type 'help' for help")

if __name__ == '__main__': main()
walls,corner[2] = (' #')

You accidentally typed a comma instead of a period here.

As a result the parser things you want to assign to a local variable called walls as well as to the second element of a variable named corner. Because of this Python now thinks that walls is a local variable and thus produces an error when you try to access it before its value has been set.

Ah, I didn't see that. Thank you.

"Don't assume if a program does not work, that it is fault of the computer or the language."

... or do not assume that the that program seems to work does not have bugs...
(I would not know, as this program is quite unverifyable for me because of repeating code instead of loops)

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