I have a popup window that instead of the ordinary YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION I want the user to select from 3 options {A, B, or C}

static int Select_Use_Move_Items(int Select_Col){
int n = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(frame,
    "Select Option for:\n
       "A: Remove - Discard one Item\n"+
       "B: Transfer one Item to Person\n"+
       "C: Transfer one Item to Transport",
    "Make Selection",

How do tell in the calling routine which of the 3 buttons were pressed?
Note: this function is called in 15 different locations.

The popup subroutine is called by:

    int Selection = Main.Select_Use_Move_Items(Col);
    if Selection = 1  {Perform function A}
    if Selection = 2  {Perform function B}
    if Selection = 3  {Perform function C}

Where Col is an integer representing the column in a jtable.

Popup shows up and works but knowing which button that was pressed is what I need to know....
Thanks in advance........ :)

well ... if this code is Java, I would suggest to drop this for now, and go over the basics once more.
can you find the obvious mistake you've made here:

int Selection = Main.Select_Use_Move_Items(Col);
    if Selection = 1  {Perform function A}
    if Selection = 2  {Perform function B}
    if Selection = 3  {Perform function C}


I also don't understand why you pass that select_col variable, since you don't use it. what exactly is options?

EDIT: even though I'm not entirely sure what you want, I think something like this might be what you're looking for:

static String Select_Use_Move_Items(int Select_Col){
    String[] options = {"Yes","No","CANCEL"};
    int n = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,
        "Select Option for:\n"+
           "A: Remove - Discard one Item\n"+
           "B: Transfer one Item to Person\n"+
           "C: Transfer one Item to Transport",
        "Make Selection",
    return options[n];

Note: the last section of code is pseudo-code.....
that is there go give you some idea of what I want to do

line 1 is the actual function call to activate the popup. the rest is pseudo_code...... I know it is not executable....

The integer Col varible is to tell the popup which column is being effected....
The string displayed for A, B, C options will change due to the value of Col...
I did not include that info because the Popup window works as I need it to and make my post as brief and to the point as possible. I just need to know what button was clicked in the popup window. A B or C.

so ... did what I added do what you are trying to do?

Here is the full and complete code if you have to have it

    static int Select_Use_Move_Items(int Select_Col) {
        String Option_Select = "";
        if (Select_Col == 0)
                Option_Select = 
                    "A: Remove - Use one Item\n"+
                    "B: Transfer one Item to Transport\n"+
                    "C: Transfer one Item to Home Base";
        if (Select_Col == 1)
                Option_Select = 
                    "A: Remove - Use one Item\n"+
                    "B: Transfer one Item to On Person\n"+
                    "C: Transfer one Item to Home Base";
        if (Select_Col == 2)
                Option_Select = 
                    "A: Remove - Use one Item\n"+
                    "B: Transfer one Item to On Person\n"+
                    "C: Transfer one Item to Transport";
         Object[] options = {" A ",
                            " B ",
                            " C "};
            Component frame = null;
            int n = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(frame,
            "Select Option for:\n"+Option_Select,
            "Make Selection",
        int Option_Seleted = n;

        return Option_Seleted;

this routine is called by :

Selection = Main.Select_Use_Move_Items(Col);

where Selection (or Option_Selected in the popup routine) is an integer and tells the calling routine which button was pressed

Select_Col tells the popup which choices the user has to choose from, ie column number of a jtable located in another part of the main program.

I hope this will answer your question........

actually .... my question was: "did the snippet I posted helped you solve yours?"
instead of the index in an array, it returns the text on the Button that was clicked. isn't that what you are looking for?

  • use JComboBox, a.m. logics doesn't require waiting for users decision

  • use JOptionPane in the case would need, stop to block code execution,

  • JOptionPane has internal event closed, canceled etc, more in the API

  • return Option_Seleted; probably returns number constant, e.g. button and closed, canceled

Simply return the value of n with a return n; statement at the end of the method.

JamesCherrill: he did return that value, but apparently that doesn't solve his problem. which is a bit where I don't understand it either.

Sorry, I was looking at his orignal post. So is there still a question here, or has it been answered?

that's what I've been trying to find out :)

the value of n when returned for option A is 0 for B and C they are null.
what I need is for A (or YES_OPTION) to return 1 B (or NO_OPTION) to return 2 C (or CANCEL_OPTION) to return 3. or at least something that distinguishes the difference between the 3 options.

I have a possible solution...
Did not want a drop-down-select in the popup, but it does what I need it to do.

    static String Select_Use_Move_Items(int Select_Col) {

        String[]choices = new String [3] ;
        if (Select_Col == 0)
            choices[0] = "A: Remove - Use one Item";
            choices[1] = "B: Transfer one Item to Transport";
            choices[2] = "C: Transfer one Item to Home Base";
        if (Select_Col == 1)
            choices[0] = "A: Remove - Use one Item";
            choices[1] = "B: Transfer one Item to On Person";
            choices[2] = "C: Transfer one Item to Home Base";
        if (Select_Col == 2)
            choices[0] = "A: Remove - Use one Item";
            choices[1] = "B: Transfer one Item to On Person";
            choices[2] = "C: Transfer one Item to Transport";

       String text = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Choose Option...",
           "Select Action", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, 
           choices, choices[0]); 

    return text;
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