I have a login form that asks for credentials for access to select areas of a large app I wrote.
I am trying to add a form to allow for password changes via that app instead of me having to update the SQL DB manually.
DB has 1 table called "Code" with 2 colums "CodeLvl" and "CmdCode"
I want the form to select the entry for CodeLvl and CmdCode where they match and to then update just CmdCode.
When I test the new form it outputs Code Changed, however it does not actually update the DB.
Private Sub OK_Click_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
Dim cn As New SqlConnection()
Dim CmdDataSet As New DataSet()
Dim command As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim da As SqlDataAdapter
Dim DAUpdateCmd As SqlCommand
cn.ConnectionString = ("Data Source=DULLAHANII\DRAGONNET;Initial Catalog=LCARS;Persist Security Info=True" & _
";User ID=**;Password=******")
command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Code WHERE CodeLvl='" & codelvl.Text & "';"
da = New SqlDataAdapter("select * from Code", cn)
DAUpdateCmd = New SqlCommand("Update Code set CmdCode = commandcode.text where CodeLvl = codelvl.text", da.SelectCommand.Connection)
'Create and append the parameters for the Update command.
DAUpdateCmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("commandcode.text", SqlDbType.VarChar))
DAUpdateCmd.Parameters("commandcode.text").SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current
DAUpdateCmd.Parameters("commandcode.text").SourceColumn = "CmdCode"
'Assign the SqlCommand to the UpdateCommand property of the SqlDataAdapter.
da.UpdateCommand = DAUpdateCmd
da.Fill(CmdDataSet, "Code")
Console.WriteLine("Command Code before Update : " & CmdDataSet.Tables("Code").Rows(0)("CmdCode"))
Console.WriteLine("Code updated successfully")
End Sub