first hi,i'm 19 yeesold,not a native english speaker :(),right now i'm so exited for learning programming i already know some html5 and css3 and willing to take it deep with java script
my first question is what is the difference between java and JavaScript and where each one is used.
2. what is the difference between C and C++ and which one is better to learn for small programs and games long would it take me to learn all these 4 if by my self and I'm I too old to start now ?
and at last the main question : is programming Really Hard and complicated ::
Thank you very MUCH if you have any advice for ME PLZ include thx again:)

**For question 1: my first question is what is the difference between java and JavaScript and where each one is used.
The JavaScript programming language, developed by Netscape, Inc., is not part of the Java platform.
JavaScript, does not create applets or stand-alone applications. In its most common form today, JavaScript resides inside HTML documents, and can provide levels of interactivity to web pages that are not achievable with simple HTML.
Some key differences are: Java is an OOP programming language while Java Script is an OOP scripting language. Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser while JavaScript code is run on a browser only. Java code needs to be compiled while JavaScript code are all in text. They require different plug-ins.

For question 2: what is the difference between C and C++ and which one is better to learn for small programs and games (i liked his example that was provided :D). Here is another source:
When building games, I believe C++ is more commonly used (don't take my word for it, i am not a game developer).

Question 3: how long would it take me to learn all these 4 if by my self and I'm I too old to start now ?
Age plays a key role in programming. For example, the younger you are, the quicker you can learn things but when you are older, programming becomes harder to focus on. Luckily when you get older, you are better at math so you should be alright. Since you are 19, a few years older than me, you are more mature than most new programmers (which happen to be kids now a days). For you to learn a programming language is going be determined based on your performance and capabilities.

YOU might take a month to learn C (if you pay good attention, put in a lot of practice, try to create new codes, and so on with the usual "geeky nerd thing") or you may spend months and years and still never grasp the languages. Picture learning a new language, for example, Spanish. It may be hard at first but if you put in some hard work, passion, and effort you should do fine.

So about you being to old or not to program, your not that old, really... there people 2 times older than you and learning the same things ;)

Final question: is programming Really Hard and complicated ::
Programming is not hard to learn! It is just how you approach it that makes it a painful thing to learn. Just note that everything in programming takes hardwork and brainwork, so don't be surprised that people find programming hard. It is actually quite easy, but don't tell others that (if you know what i mean ;D).

I hope i answered your questions! Feel free to ask more questions!

Very good explanation ,

commented: ;) +8

Think of programming like the martial arts. You can probably learn the basics quickly, but it's not very useful at that level. To reach and maintain a level where it is useful, you have to put in a lot of effort. And anyone who tells you it's easy is trying to sell you something. ;)

commented: Yup, that's accuarate +8

Think of programming like the martial arts. You can probably learn the basics quickly, but it's not very useful at that level. To reach and maintain a level where it is useful, you have to put in a lot of effort. And anyone who tells you it's easy is trying to sell you something. ;)

EXACTLY! That simplifies the "essay" i wrote :D

Thank you very much guys and A Bigger Thank YOU for <M/>

commented: your welcome :D +8

Thank you very much guys and A Bigger Thank YOU for <M/>

No problem :D. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask and if not, mark the question solved :)

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