Hey guys, I was just wondering how I can get a filebrowser to open folders and files and put the path depending whether its a file or folder. e.g. if the filebrowser selects a folder then in textbox1 the folderpath should appear and if the filebrowser is a file then the file path should appear in textbox1. I know this can be done since I've seen it done. NOTE: Filebrowser could be something like an openfiledialog or savefilefialog or w.e as long it's modified to the needs. Here's an example and it's been used in Winrar File dialog : http://puu.sh/4oWXG.jpg something like that which can open folders when needto and also select them when need to.


As far as I know, the .NET Framework library gives you OpenFileDialog for files and FolderBrowserDialog for folders, and that's all you get.

For non-.NET applications (like WinRAR), I don't know if there's a standard Win32 combination dialog like you're looking for or if it's a custom dialog.

Hmm...Thanks for that. I guess now I know it's not a part of the win32 library
is there anything similar to this? if so take your time and tell me :D

all you have to do is make an openfiledialog and when it .closes, say textbox1.text = opnfldlg.filename

all you have to do is make an openfiledialog and when it .closes, say textbox1.text = opnfldlg.filename

That's part of it, but it's not the main issue...

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