I am a Python (2.75) neophyte and need to reformat a large data file. A sample is below:

P1 01 01 1991 100.00
P1 01 01 1992 111.30
P1 01 01 1993 97.58
I1 01 01 1991 0.0
I1 01 01 1992 20.0
I1 01 01 1993 32.4

I need each new value in the first column to become a row with the remaining duplicates removed and with a space between each group:

01 01 1991 100.00 1.81 14.34 0.0
01 01 1992 111.30 2.34 31.65 0.0
01 01 1993 97.58 2.93 38.16 0.0

01 01 1991 0.0 0.0 0.0 101.5
01 01 1992 0.0 0.0 0.0 112.2
01 01 1993 0.0 0.0 0.0 687.3

I know how to pop out a column but this is beyond my current skills. Thanks for any help.

Where does all the additional data come from?


a = open(out_file,"w")
t = file(in_file,"r").readlines()

for row in t:
    s= row.strip().split(' ')
    if s[0]==well:
        a.write('%10s %10s %10s %10s \n' % (s[1],s[2],s[3],s[4]))
        # initially skips to next statement
        a.write('NAME %10s \n' % (s[0]))
        a.write('%10s %10s %10s %10s \n' % (s[1],s[2],s[3],s[4]))  
        well=s[0]  # sets well variable so if statement now invoked
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