i dont know how to solve it can you help me please???
Create a java program that will do the following:

read 3 inputs from the keyboard

• two input numbers each being a single digit (0…9)
• one character representing one of five operations : + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division), and ^ (exponentiation)
b) output the description of the operation in plain English as well as the numeric results

Example1, if the two digits are 5 and 3 and the operation was * then the output should be

five multiplied by three is 15

Note, the result is given as a number, not a word.

Example2, if the two numbers are 2 and 9 and the operation is – then the output should be

 two minus nine is -7

Hint: to perform the exponentiation, use the pow method of the Math class.

Example3, if the two numbers are 5 and 2, and the operation is ^, then the output should be

    five to the power two is 25

Example4, if the two numbers are 5 and 9, and the operation is / then the output should be

five divided by nine is 0.55555556

For division, you cannot divide by 0, and you should therefore test whether the second number is 0; if it is then you should output a message saying you cannot divide by 0.
Example5, if the two numbers are 5 and 0, and the operation is / then the output should be

Division by zero is not allowed

Both input numbers must be single digits between0..9.
Example6, If the user enters 25 and 3 and the operation is + then the output should be

Invalid number; only single digits allowed.

and thanxx

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