have any open source software for create vb program

Kinda weird question to be honest. As .NET IS MICROSOFT.
If you wont use Visual Studio then you could try => http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page

If you won't use .NET at all then you still code in VB6.

It is like asking: I want to cook a meat dish, without meat.
BTW VB6 is also MS.

open source C#/VB.net Visual Studio alternative

if your reason for asking this is the cost of Visual Studio, and you have a .edu email address then check out

Visual Studio development package (among other things) can be obtained for free if you have .edu email

The Expess version of Visual Studio is also free.


I'd recommend using the express versions as well, - In the full version I can do all my programming for desktop and web sites and I use this as work as the company pay for it. At home, I have Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop and Visual Studio Express for Web etc all for free Visual Studio 2013 Express for the latest 2013 versions

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