Hi, I am new to writing code and am doing a programming assignment for a class that has to be separated into different functions. I figured most of it out, but can't seem to get the validation part to work at all. could someone with more experience than me please check the get_info function and tell me what I am doing wrong. Thanks for your help.
def main():
hours, rate = get_info()
base, over = calc_hours(hours)
pay1, pay2, total = calc_pay(rate, base, over)
print(' Payroll Information')
print('Pay Rate $', format(rate, ',.2f'), sep='')
print('Regular Hours ', format(base, ',.2f'))
print('Overtime Hours ', format(over, ',.2f'))
print('Regular Pay $', format(pay1, ',.2f'), sep='')
print('Overtime Pay $', format(pay2, ',.2f'), sep='')
print('Total Pay $', format(total, ',.2f'), sep='')
def get_info():
hours = 0
rate = 0
hours = float(input('Enter total hours worked: '))
while hours < 8 and hours > 86:
print('ERROR!!! --- Hours must be between 8 and 86')
hours = float(input('Enter again: '))
rate = float(input('Enter payrate: $'))
while rate < 7.00 and rate > 50.00:
print('ERROR!!! --- Rate must be between $7.00 and $50.00')
rate = float(input('Enter again: '))
return hours, rate
def calc_hours(hours):
base = 40
over = 0
if hours > 40:
over = hours - base
base = hours
return base, over
def calc_pay(rate, base, over):
pay1 = 0
pay2 = 0
pay1 = base * rate
pay2 = over * (rate * 1.5)
total = pay1 + pay2
return pay1, pay2, total