Write a program to compute the computer programming grades of 8 IT students.
Randomly create student numbers for each of the students and store each in an array.
The program should take the input of (validate the input where appropriate):
Names of Students and store them in an array.
Addresses of Students and store them in array.
Previous Grade for student. (A,B,C…..)
Marks for ‘Computer Programming Assignment 1’ (out of 25 marks)
Marks for ‘Computer Programming Assignment 2’ (out of 25 marks)
Marks for ‘Computer Programming Exam’ (out of 50 marks)
Based on the above input, work out the ‘Final Marks’ for Computer Programming (Assignment 1 + Assignment 2 + Exam) and store it in an array.
Then work out and display
The average Final Grade for the ‘Computer Programming’ class 2013.
The number of A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s, and Fails for ‘Computer Programming’ 2013
The name, address, previous grade, this year’s grade, percentage, and student number for each student.
Could somebody help me with this assignment please, I will show you what I have done so far
int Studentnumbers[] = new int[8];//creates new array
String StrStudentname[] = new String[8];//the array that will store 8 student surnames
String StrStudentAdresses[] = new String[8];//the array that will store 8 student adresses
String StrStudentPreviousGrade[] = new String[8];//the array that will store 8 student previous grades
String Strmarkscomputerassignment[] = new String[8];
for (int i = 0; i < Studentnumbers.length; i++) {
double Studentnumber = Math.random() * 10000;
double newnumber = Studentnumber;
int RandomNewStudentnumber = (int) (newnumber);
Studentnumbers[i] = RandomNewStudentnumber;
StrStudentname[i] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter student name");//popluates a students surname 8 times
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(StrStudentname));//prints out student surname to the screen
StrStudentAdresses[i] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter student adresses");
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(StrStudentAdresses));//prints out student adresses to the screen
StrStudentPreviousGrade[i] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Please enter previous grade");