Instead of entering text to console, I want to use the text from a text file and use this function and method to do a concordance count of words and how many times they appear in the text file.

check line 137

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>

#ifndef _DEPRECATION_DISABLE   /* One time only */
#define _DEPRECATION_DISABLE   /* Disable deprecation true */
#if (_MSC_VER >= 1400)         /* Check version */
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) /* Disable deprecation */
#endif /* #if defined(NMEA_WIN) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) */
#define TEXTMAX 999999//maximum text length
#define WORDMAX 20//maximum word length
using namespace std;

unsigned int GetFileLength(std::string FileName)
std::ifstream InFile(FileName.c_str());
unsigned int FileLength = 0;
while (InFile.get() != EOF) FileLength++; 
return FileLength;

struct node

        char word[WORDMAX];
        int count;
        struct node *next;
};typedef struct node nd;
void Insert(nd **head, char word[], int num)//insert

        nd *p, *temp;
        int cmp;
        temp = (nd*)malloc(sizeof(nd));
        p = *head;
        temp->count = num;
        if(*head == NULL)

                *head = temp;
                temp->next = NULL;

                    cmp = strcmp(word,p->word);//compare alphabetically
                    if(cmp < 0)

                            *head = temp;//insert the word which becomes the new head
                            temp->next = p;

                                while(p->next!=NULL && (strcmp(word, p->next->word))>0)//look for appropriate place

                                            p = p->next;
                                    temp->next = p->next;
                                    p->next = temp;
                    int Search(nd **head, char word[], nd **tempPointer)//searches for the word in the linked list

                            nd *p;
                            p = *head;
                            int count = 0, cmp;


                                    cmp = strcmp(p->word, word);//compare the two strings
                                    if(cmp == 0)//word found

                                            count++;//count the occurence of that word
                                            *tempPointer = p;//store the address
                                        p = p->next;
                                        return count;
                            void Display(nd **head)//display

                                    nd *p;
                                    p = *head;

                                            printf("\n%s = %d",p->word, p->count);
                                        printf(" \n");
                            const size_t SIZE = 1220;
void main()
    int myOption;
    char length;
    nd *list = NULL, *tempPointer = NULL;
    char text[TEXTMAX], word[WORDMAX];
    int textLength=0, i, tempIndex = 0, count=0;

int c;
                FILE *file;
                file = fopen("text.txt", "r");
                if (file) 
                    while ((c = getc(file)) != EOF)

            //HOW DO I GET THE FILE ABOVE TO "text" variable?

textLength = strlen(text);// get length of text
                    if(textLength < TEXTMAX)//did not reach the maximum text limit, OK
                        for(i=0;i<=textLength;i++)//traverse each character in the string
                            if(text[i] == ' ' || i == textLength)//if the char is a space and a char before it is not also a space then it marks as the end of a word
                                word[tempIndex] = '\0';//add an terminator to the char word being stored
                                count = Search(&list,word, &tempPointer);//search for the word in the existing list
                                if(count!=0)//word already exists in the list
                                    tempPointer->count += count;//update the count
                                    if(word[tempIndex-1]!='\0' && word[0]!=' ' )//check if wat to be inserted is not a space
                                        Insert(&list, word, 1);//insert 
                                    tempIndex = 0;//reset the index of temp string char 
                            else if(text[i] != '.' && text[i] != ',' && text[i] != '?' && text[i] != '!' && text[i]!=' ')//char is a letter or a num but exclude some special chars
                                word[tempIndex] = tolower(text[i]);//covert to lower case and store the char to the string char array
                                tempIndex++;//increment the index of the char array
                            Display(&list);//display the index
                        puts("\nYou have reached beyond the maximum text limit. Please minimize your words and try again.");
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