I am having trouble adding an item that will increase a player's energy in my BlueJ game. At the bottom of the createRooms() method in my game class I have added several items to rooms. At that point I tried setting boolean newEnergy equal to true. If the player types "use", they will receive 10 energy if boolean newEnergy is equal to true. I am not sure how I would set boolean newEnergy to true only when the energy item is still in the room.
* Create all the rooms and link their exits together.
private void createRooms()
Room entrance, roomOne, roomTwo, cavern, stream, roomThree, lake, roomFour, roomFive, roomSix, roomSeven, exit;
// create the rooms
entrance = new Room("are in the first room of the cave system", "entrance");
roomOne = new Room("are in a dark, empty room", "roomOne");
roomTwo = new Room("are in a dark room surrounded by bats", "roomTwo");
cavern = new Room("are in a large cavern within the cave", "cavern");
stream = new Room("have found a small stream", "stream");
roomThree = new Room("are in a small empty room", "roomThree");
lake = new Room("have come across a lake and must cross it. \n" +
"There are two ways to cross it. If you choose the wrong \n" +
"way you will die", "lake");
roomFour = new Room("have stumbled upon a large room with four exits", "roomFour");
roomFive = new Room("are in a room and there is a faint light in the distance", "roomFive");
roomSix = new Room("appear to be getting closer to the exit", "roomSix");
roomSeven = new Room("have fallen into a sinkhole", "roomSeven");
exit = new Room("have found the exit to the cave! Type 'quit' to exit the game or 'north' to restart", "exit");
// initialise room exits
entrance.setExit("east", roomOne);
entrance.setExit("south", roomTwo);
entrance.setExit("west", stream);
roomOne.setExit("south", roomTwo);
roomTwo.setExit("north", entrance);
roomTwo.setExit("west", stream);
cavern.setExit("north", roomTwo);
cavern.setExit("east", roomThree);
stream.setExit("south", cavern);
roomThree.setExit("north", roomOne);
roomThree.setExit("south", lake);
lake.setExit("north", entrance);
lake.setExit("west", roomFour);
roomFour.setExit("north", cavern);
roomFour.setExit("south", roomFive);
roomFour.setExit("west", stream);
roomFour.setExit("east", roomTwo);
roomFive.setExit("north", entrance);
roomFive.setExit("south", roomSix);
roomSix.setExit("west", roomFive);
roomSix.setExit("east", roomFive);
roomSix.setExit("south", roomSeven);
roomSeven.setExit("north", entrance);
roomSeven.setExit("west", roomSix);
roomSeven.setExit("east", exit);
exit.setExit("north", entrance);
//Add Map
Item map = new Item("A map of the cave system", "Map", 7);
//Add Energy
Item energy = new Item("10 energy. \n" + "Type 'use' to use the energy.", "Energy", 0);
boolean newEnergy = true;
//Add Bat
Item bat = new Item("A bat that stole 10 energy from you", "Bat", 0);
//Add Portal
Item portal = new Item("A portal", "Portal", 0);
currentRoom = entrance; // start game at entrance
The useEnergy() method:
private void useEnergy(Command command)
if(newEnergy == true)
currentEnergy = currentEnergy + 10;
System.out.println("You have: " + currentEnergy);