hi. i'm trying to convert program from c++ to pyhton, but i don't have any experience with python. can someone help me?

include <stdio.h>
include <conio.h>



  float uplata,i;  
      printf("Unesite pocetnu uplatu:");                
      scanf("%f", &uplata);   
           printf("Pocetna uplata ne smije biti veca od 3000 kuna.");   
  while (uplata>3000);    

             uplata=uplata*2 ;       
  printf ("Iznos od milijun kuna na racunu ce biti nakon %.0f godina.", i);     



If you don't know python why do you want to convert that code? Learn python then you can convert it yourself.

because i need to do that for my school project. can you help me?

I don't know python either. If you need it for school project then I assume they think you already know python. If you don't, then get a book or online tutorial and read it. You won't learn a thing if someone else does your schoolwork for you. Afterall, learnikng is why you are in school, isn't it???

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