I am new to vc++. While trying to run the vc++ code i am getting the following errors. I am posting those errors and code lines where i am getting the error. If anyone knows about these errors please help me.
1)Error: Instruction Operands must be the same size and the error code is A2022.
The highlighted lines are causing the error.

2)error BK1506 : cannot open file '.\Debug\Shareaza_i.sbr': No such file or directory. FileName is BSCMAKE

3) error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Custom Build Step" Shareaza
It is very urgent for me. please let me know the solution.


Why does that first error not supprise me. :eek: The so-called code you posted in red is not code at all. I have no idea what it is. You can't just type in some crap into the program and expect the compiler to understand it.

The only valid error is the first one -- just ignore the others. Fix the first error and the others will go away.

Thanks for ur response. I dont know vc++ n I am new to vc++.
The first error i.e., Instruction operands must be the same size is occuring in the highlighted line only. These lines r from an .asm file.
If u know how to fix the error please tell me.

It is also giving the error unable to start .exe of that application n System cannot find the file specified. Why I am getting this error. Treat me as a child in vc++.


>>These lines r from an .asm file.
what makes you think you can compile a file written in assembly language with a c compiler? It will never happen and you are just wasting your time trying to make it compile. There are lots of tutorials and books about how to write c programs, I suggest you start reading them.

>>It is also giving the error unable to start .exe of that application n System cannot find the file specified. Why I am getting this error

because your compiler did not create the .exe file -- you have to fixe all the compiler errors first. There is no point in creating an executable file if it does not contain all the code you were supposed to write.

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