I have 2 form called form1 and form2
why i cannot use this code
form1.textbox.Text = "Hello"


Because it cannot refer to itself through its default instance name , for this you have to use Me

try this:


If i was on form2 ?

your current form refers to as Me.
so , if you coding behind Form2 then you have to useMe.Textbox1.Text instead of Form2.Textbox1.Text.

but if you are working on Form1 and you wanna access textbox exist on Form2 then you have to use


i work on form1

it coming out an error :

Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.  

You have to refer to a particular instance of an object. Use


rather then

dim NewForm as new form2

NewForm.TextBox1.Text = "My Text"

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