hi guys, i know this might look like a n00b's homework assignment - but it aint, im studying VB for myself.
Im trying to do this tutorial over here, cuz everybody said it's good
Prob is when i try to press the confirm button, error message pops up saying "end if without block if"? I've tried organizing my code but that doesn't seem to work... I don't get it, am I using incorrect syntax?
Here's the code for the confirm button below
Private Sub confirm_Click()
Dim hoursbox As Integer
Dim deductbox As Integer
Dim rate As Integer
Dim grosalary As String
Dim netsalary As String
If op1.Value = False _
And op2.Value = False _
And op3.Value = False Then
grosalary = "invalid" And netsalary = "invalid"
End If
If op1.Value = True Then rate = 10
End If
If op2.Value = True Then rate = 20
End If
If op3.Value = True Then rate = 30
End If
grosalary = rate * hoursbox
netsalary = grosalary - deductbox
End Sub
Thanks ^^