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Custom ComboBox control is not displaying data when hosted on TabControl. Basically, it is inherited ComboBox from Microsoft ComboBox control with added "few" lines of code. Compiled in dll and referenced in another project. Except on a TabControl, ComboBox is working fine. But, if I first add TabControl on a form and then ComboBox on a TabControl - ComboBox shows no data (everything is loaded from database, but ComboBox shows nothing). If ComboBox is first created on a form and then added to TabControl - it works fine. I have noticed that if I change order in designer.vb file (code for ComboBox move before TabControl's code) - it works. But every time I move any control on TabControl code is reorganized in designer.vb and ComboBox "hides" data. It's bugging me for a while and i would be grateful for any kind of help.

Thanks in advance.

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