Friends I met with a problem...Please help
I have a table 'Tran' in Access Database which has several fields of which one is 'Date'
I added several records through programm on different dates.Everything OK. All the records appeared in a chronological way ie.Earlier to Later order . Later I deleted some earlier records randomly.(Not through programm but manually).Now when I try to add record through programm the 'Date' order is not retained. I think the new added record takes the place of the deleted record.It will affect the output of the programme.Is there any way to maintain the chronological order in the records of the table. My relevant code is given below.
TRS("Ac") = TxtAc.Text
TRS("Acno") = TxtAcno.Text
TRS("Name") = TxtName.Text
TRS("Date") = TxtDate.Text
TRS("Tramt") = TxtTramt.Text
TRS("Type") = TxtType.Text
TRS("Details") = TxtDetails.Text
TRS("Vdate") = TxtVdate.Text
TRS("Ac") = TxtAc.Text
TRS("Cq") = TxtCq.Text
TRS("Part") = "."
TRS("Uid") = UID
TRS("Mid") = UID
TRS("Edt") = Format$(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy")
TRS("Mdt") = Format$(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy")
TRS("Trnno") = TN
If TxtType.Text = "C" Then
TRS("Credit") = TxtTramt.Text
TRS("Debit") = 0
TRS("Dc") = "CR"
If TxtType.Text = "D" Then
TRS("Debit") = TxtTramt.Text
TRS("Credit") = 0
TRS("Dc") = "DR"
End If
End If
If LblCd = "CR" And TRS("Dc") = "CR" Then
TRS("Balance") = PB + Val(TxtTramt.Text)
If LblCd = "CR" And TRS("Dc") = "DR" Then
TRS("Balance") = PB - Val(TxtTramt.Text)
If LblCd = "DR" And TRS("Dc") = "DR" Then
TRS("Balance") = PB - Val(TxtTramt.Text)
If LblCd = "DR" And TRS("Dc") = "CR" Then
TRS("Balance") = PB + Val(TxtTramt.Text)
End If
End If
End If
End If
If LblCd = "CR" And TRS("Balance") >= 0 Then
TRS("Cd") = "CR"
If LblCd = "CR" And TRS("Balance") < 0 Then
TRS("Cd") = "DR"
If LblCd = "DR" And TRS("Balance") >= 0 Then
TRS("Cd") = "CR"
If LblCd = "DR" And TRS("Balance") < 0 Then
TRS("Cd") = "DR"
End If
End If
End If
End If
LblEuid = UID
LblMuid = UID
LblEdt = Format$(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy")
LblMdt = Format$(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy")
LblDC = TRS("Cd")
LblBalance = TRS("Balance")
TxtTrno = TRS("Trnno")
I want always the records in a date wise order- earlier to later