I am using following gdiscreen() function which takes screenshot jpg image into buffer.I am sending this buffered image using sento() over UDP.I am unable to convert this char array data sent back into image .I appreciate any help you can provide
void gdiscreen()
char buffer[61400];
using namespace Gdiplus;
wchar_t filename[200];
GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken;
GdiplusStartup(&gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
EncoderParameters encoderParameters;
ULONG quality;
HDC scrdc, memdc;
HBITMAP membit;
scrdc = ::GetDC(0);
int Height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
int Width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(scrdc);
membit = CreateCompatibleBitmap(scrdc, Width, Height);
HBITMAP hOldBitmap =(HBITMAP) SelectObject(memdc, membit);
BitBlt(memdc, 0, 0, Width, Height, scrdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
Gdiplus::Bitmap bitmap(membit, NULL);
CLSID clsid;
GetEncoderClsid(L"image/jpeg", &clsid);
encoderParameters.Count = 1;
encoderParameters.Parameter[0].Guid = EncoderQuality;
encoderParameters.Parameter[0].Type = EncoderParameterValueTypeLong;
encoderParameters.Parameter[0].NumberOfValues = 1;
quality = 20;
encoderParameters.Parameter[0].Value = &quality;
IStream *pStream = NULL;
LARGE_INTEGER liZero = {};
STATSTG stg = {};
ULONG bytesRead=0;
// this is your buffer that will hold the jpeg bytes
DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; // this is the size of that buffer;
hrRet = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, TRUE, &pStream);
bitmap.Save(pStream, &clsid, &encoderParameters);
hrRet = pStream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &pos);
hrRet = pStream->Stat(&stg, STATFLAG_NONAME);
dwBufferSize = stg.cbSize.LowPart;
// copy the stream into memory
hrRet = pStream->Read(buffer, stg.cbSize.LowPart, &bytesRead);
sendto() of socket is:
sendto(s,buffer,sizeof(buffer) , 0 , (struct sockaddr *) &si_other, slen)