using a linked list in C++ i am attempting to delete a middle node from a series, and then put the series back together.

ex: N1 -> N2 -> N3
N1 -> N3
delete N2

but i am getting a segmentation fault (core dumped) at the point in the code where it tries to put N1->N3 (line 18). the structure is also included. i included multiple if statements in case i was getting the segmentation fault because it was near the end and the program could not delete a non-existant node but they did not help.

any help or explenation is welcome.


void release_memory(const int job)
   ALLOCPTR master = alloclist;
   ALLOCPTR tribute = master->next;
   //tribute = tribute->next;
   if(master == NULL)
        cout<<"nothing in the alloc lis"<<endl;
   while(master != NULL)
        cout<<"id:" << master->id <<endl;
        if(master->id == job)
            cout<<"trying to delete tribute"<<endl;
            //deletes the orriginal master and links the next node back to the list
            if(tribute->next == NULL)
                cout<<"next == null"<<endl;
                delete tribute;
            if(tribute == NULL)
                cout<<"tribute == null"<<endl;
                //delete tribute
            if(tribute->next != NULL)
                cout<<"norm delete and move"<<endl;
                tribute = tribute->next;

                master->next = tribute;
                delete tribute;
            cout<<"deleted tribute"<<endl;
        master = master->next;
        tribute = master->next;
   cout<<"exits release"<<endl;


  int start_byte;
  int end_byte;
  int size;
  int id;

  ALLOCPTR next;

Move lines 3 and 4 down after that first if statement, between lines 10 and 11. If master is null (line 10) then line 4 will cause a seg fault.

In order to delete a node you have to keep track of the most recently visited node.

ALLOCPTR* current = master;
while( current )
   if( current->id == job)
      if( prev == NULL )
         // delete head of the list
         prev = master;
         master = master->next;
         delete prev;
          prev->next = current->next;
          delete prev;
      break; // exit while loop
   prev = current;
   current = current->next;

i am still getting a segmentation fault(core dumped), and im thinking it is because i am trying to access a null node

Can you post the complete program? Are you setting the next pointer to NULL after a new node is allocated? If you don't do that then the rest of the program might attempt to dereference an invalid pointer.

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