#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 

using namespace std; 

int main(); 


cout << "***************************************... 
cout << "** Revenue for Bayou Broadway Theater **\n"; 
cout << "***************************************... 

const double balcony = 59.95; 
const double mezzanine = 99.95; 
const double orchestra = 139.95; 
int balconyTickets, mezzanineTickets, orchestraTickets; 
double balconyRevenue, mezzanineRevenue, orchestraRevenue, totalRevenue; 

// Calculates the number of balcony tickets sold. 
cout << "Enter the number of tickets sold for balcony --> "; 
cin >> balconyTickets; 

// Calculates the number of mezzanine tickets sold. 
cout << "Enter the number of tickets sold for mezzanine --> "; 
cin >> mezzanineTickets; 

// Calculates the number of orchestra tickets sold. 
cout <<"Enter the number of tickets sold for orchestra --> "; 
cin >> orchestraTickets; 

// Calculates the revenue from balcony tickets sold. 
balconyRevenue = balcony * balconyTickets; 

// Calculates the revenue from mezzanine tickets sold. 
mezzanineRevenue = mezzanine * mezzanineTickets; 

// Calculates the revenue from orchestra tickets sold. 
orchestraRevenue = orchestra * orchestraTickets; 

// Calculates the total revenue of tickets from the three sections. 
totalRevenue = balconyRevenue + mezzanineRevenue + orchestraRevenue

You are missing a return stament in your main function as well as a closing curly brace for the main function.

return statement as in return 0; ?

Ok i'm down to this now i tried using an online compiler and it coimpiled it and showed me the text but for some reason visual basic is not compiling it

here is the final code i was using

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
const double balcony = 59.95; 
const double mezzanine = 99.95; 
const double orchestra = 139.95; 
int balconyTickets, mezzanineTickets, orchestraTickets; 
double balconyRevenue, mezzanineRevenue, orchestraRevenue, totalRevenue; 
// Calculates the number of balcony tickets sold. 
cout << "Enter the number of tickets sold for balcony --> "; 
cin >> balconyTickets; 
// Calculates the number of mezzanine tickets sold. 
cout << "Enter the number of tickets sold for mezzanine --> "; 
cin >> mezzanineTickets; 
// Calculates the number of orchestra tickets sold. 
cout <<"Enter the number of tickets sold for orchestra --> "; 
cin >> orchestraTickets; 
// Calculates the revenue from balcony tickets sold. 
balconyRevenue = balcony * balconyTickets; 
// Calculates the revenue from mezzanine tickets sold. 
mezzanineRevenue = mezzanine * mezzanineTickets; 
// Calculates the revenue from orchestra tickets sold. 
orchestraRevenue = orchestra * orchestraTickets; 
// Calculates the total revenue of tickets from the three sections. 
totalRevenue = balconyRevenue + mezzanineRevenue + orchestraRevenue;

   return 0;

for some reason visual basic is not compiling it

Visual Basic won't compile C++ code. Visual Basic is for working with Visual Basic code.

To compile C++ code, you need a C++ compiler.

Use Code blocks for c++ :)

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