This is my 10,000th post in the DaniWeb Java forum. so I hope I won't get an infraction for being off-topic.

I just thought this would be the perfect opportunity to thank all the people who have helped to make this such a valuable and rewarding experience for me. I can't name them all now, but particular thanks go to peter_budo and Ezzaral who, 5 years ago, set me on the right path for "how to respond to a DaniWeb post", ~s.o.s~ who has forgotten more about programming than I ever will know (despite his being completely wrong about happiness) and mKorbel whose knowledge of Swing is even more amazing that his interesting use of the English language. Others deserving a special mention include masijade, stultuke, bestJewSinceJC, jwenting and the much-missed NormR1. Everyone else: you know who you are...

I'm really looking forward to continuing working with, debating with, and learning from all you guys.

10,000 thanks

mKorbel commented: +++ +10
~s.o.s~ commented: Congratulations! :) +15
Dani commented: Congrats!! :) +15

Congratulations James! Up to the next 10000!!!

  • +++ 10k

  • (1) and mKorbel whose knowledge of Swing is even more amazing that his interesting use of the English language. ---> not true this knowleges is (only) based on reading Q&As on many Forums

  • (2) and mKorbel whose knowledge of Swing is even more amazing that his interesting use of the English language. ---> I daily reading milion words in thousands sentences wrotten in English language, but nothing from them is saved in my built_in memory, any brain cell for English language in my head,

  • (3 - flamewar) whats said your woman for your effort here, this isn't tick-tack, but lots of time here,

I thnk you are too modest about your knowledge of Swing. It doesn't metter where you got it - it's still amazing.

whats said your woman for your effort here

Well. yes, that's a very good question. We discussed this at great length, and I have agreed that I only do DaniWeb in "spare" time. If there's anything else happening relating to family, real life etc, that always takes priority. That's one reason why I never do chat rooms - I never know when something else will take priority and I will simply walk away from the copmputer for a minute/an hour/a day.

congratulations on 101 posts in 16 hours since your 10k mark :)

Sorry, that was 10,000 in the Java forum - currently 10101 in all forums (fora?). In fact, I like 10101 better as a number....

yes, it's binary, much nicer than 10102

10101 binary = 21 decimal?
101010 is way much nicer!

I'm really looking forward to continuing working with, debating with, and learning from all you guys.

Congratulations James and thanks for your kind words. I honestly feel that this Java forum/community owes a lot to your love for Daniweb, Java and desire to help folks! :)

Hmm, I've never heard of moderators giving other moderators infractions!

Anyhow, 10,000 + posts is now small feat and congrats on that. I'm not catching up quick.

Hmm, I've never heard of moderators giving other moderators infractions!

Well, I can, but I swear that thought never crossed my mind. ;)

I'll just pretend that I was named somewhere in your acceptance speech for writing such an awesome platform in the first place. :) Seriously, congrats!

commented: lol +5

... and of course Dani, whithout whose imagination and hard work none of this would have been possible.

[is that OK, do I keep my moderator badge now?]

Good save JamesCherrill!

at least we know it was time well spent ;)

Well done James and thank you for kind words to estranged Jave developer! Yes I do Android but that is different story ;)

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