I need help with this c1075 error. Everytime I build it I get this error any idea what I did wrong? I appreciate it

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> 
using namespace std;
const double pi = 3.14159265;

int main ()

string name;  
string homework; 

    name = "Randy Calhoun, Giannis Combe, Jonathan Vega";
    homework = "Project 1";

    cout << "Randy Calhoun, Giannis Combe, Jonathan Vega" << endl;
    cout << "Project 1" << endl;

    int index;
    double input1, input2, output; 
    bool quit, back, back2; 

        cout << "0. Quit\n";
        cout << "1. Unit Conversions\n";
        cout << "2. Math Operations\n";
        cout << "3. Math Functions\n";
        quit = false; 
        cin >> index; 
         case 0: 
            quit = true; 

        case 1: 

                cout << " 0. Back to Previous Menu\n"; 
                cout << " 1. From Inches to Meters\n"; 
                cout << " 2. From Meters to Inches\n"; 
                cout << " 3. From Kilograms to Pounds\n"; 
                cout << " 4. From Pounds to Kilograms\n";
                cout << " 5. From km/hr to mi/hr\n"; 
                cout << " 6. From mi/hr to ki/hr\n"; 
                cout << " 7. From Newtons to lbf\n"; 
                cout << " 8. From lbf to Newtons\n"; 
                cout << " 9. From Pa to PSI\n"; 
                cout << " 10. From PSI to Pa\n"; 
                back = false; 
                cin >> index; 
                switch (index) 
                case 0: 
                    back = true; 

                case 1: 
                     cout << "Convert inches to meters:\n"; 
                     cin >> input1; 
                     output = input1 * 25.4/1000;
                    cout << "It equals " << output << "m\n"; 

                case 2:   
                 cout << "Convert meters to inches:\n"; 
                 cin >> input2; 
                 output = input2 * 1000/25.4;
                 cout << "It equals " << output << "m\n"; 

                case 3:   
                cout << "Convert kilograms to pounds:\n"; 
                cin >> input1; 
                output = input1 * 2.2;
                cout << "It equals " << output << "m\n"; 

                case 4:
                 cout << "Convert Pounds to Kilograms:\n"; 
                 cin >> input2; 
                 output = input2 / 2.2;
                 cout << "It equals " << output << "m\n"; 

                case 5:   
                    cout << "Convert km/hr to mi/hr:\n"; 
                    cin >> input1; 
                    output = input1 / 1.609344;
                    cout << "It equals " << output << "m\n"; 

             case 6:
                 cout << "Convert mi/hr to km/hr:\n"; 
                 cin >> input2; 
                 output =   input2 / 1.609344;
                 cout << "It equals " << output << "m\n"; 

            case 7:   
              cout << "Convert Newtons to lbf:\n"; 
              cin >> input1; 
              output = input1 / 4.44822;
              cout << "It equals " << output << "m\n"; 

            case 8:
                cout << "Convert lbf to Newtons:\n"; 
                cin >> input2; 
                output = input2 * 4.44822;
                cout << "It equals " << output << "m\n"; 

            case 9:
                cout << "Convert Pa to PSI:\n"; 
                cin >> input1; 
                output = input1 / 6,894.75729;
                cout << "It equals " << output << "m\n"; 

             case 10:
                 cout << "Convert PSI to Pa:\n"; 
                 cin >> input2; 
                 output = input2 * 6,894.75729;
                 cout << "It equals " << output << "m\n"; 

        cout << "Enter an option\n";
}while (back != true); 

    case 2:
        int index, c, b, a;


        cout << " 0. Back to Previous Menu\n"; 
        cout << " 1. Calculations for +\n"; 
        cout << " 2. Calculations for -\n";
        cout << " 3. Calculations for *\n";
        cout << " 4. Calculations for /\n";
        cout << " 5. Calculations for %\n";
        back = false; 
        cin >> index; 
        switch (index) 
            case 0: 
                back = true; 

            case 1:
                cout << "How to calculate addition\n";
                cout << "Enter a number for a and b\n";
                c = a + b;
                cout << "The result is" << c << "\n";

            case 2:
                cout << "How to calculate subtraction\n";
                cout << "Enter a number for a and b\n";
                c = a - b;
                cout << "The result is" << c << "\n";

            case 3:
                cout << "How to calculate multiplication \n";
                cout << "Enter a number\n";
                c = a * b;
                cout << "The result is" << c << "\n";

            case 4:
                cout << "How to calculate division\n";
                cout << "Enter a number\n";
                c = a / b;
                cout << "The result is" << c << "\n";
            case 5:
                cout << "How to calculate Remainder\n";
                cout << "Enter a number\n";
                c = a % b;
                cout << "The result is" << c << "\n";
        }while(back != true); 


case 3:
  int i;
  double n, x, y, result;

            cout << " 0. Back to Previous Menu\n"; 
            cout << " 1. Calculations for Absolute Value\n"; 
            cout << " 2. Calculations for Square Root\n";
            cout << " 3. Calculations for powers\n";
            cout << " 4. Calculations for exponential\n";
            cout << " 5. Calculations for Logarithms\n";
            cout << " 6. Calculations for Log base ten\n";
            cout << " 7. Calculations for Sine\n";
            cout << " 8. Calculations for Cosine\n";
            cout << " 9. Calculations for Tangent\n";
            cout << " 10. Calculations for Arcsine\n";
            cout << " 11. Calculations for Arccosine\n";
            cout << " 12. Calculations for Arctangent\n";
            cout << " 13. Calculations for Arctangent2\n";
            cout << " 14. Calculations for Sinh\n";
            cout << " 15. Calculations for Cosh\n";
            cout << " 16. Calculations for Tanh\n";
            cout << " 17. Calculations for Ceil\n";
            cout << " 18. Calculations for Floor\n";

        cin >> i;       
                case 0: 
                    back = true; 

                case 1:
                cout << "Calculations for Absolute value\n";
                cout << " Enter a number\n";
                result = fabs(n);
                cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 2:
                 cout << "Calculations for Square Roots\n";
                 cout << "Enter a number\n";
                 result = sqrt(n);
                 cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 3:
                    cout << "Calculations for powers\n";
                    cout << "Enter a number\n";
                    result = pow(n,x);
                    cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 4:
                 cout << "Calculations for exponential\n";
                 cout << "Enter an exponential value\n";
                 result = exp(n);
                 cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 5:
                    cout << "Calculations for Logarithms\n";
                    cout << "Enter a number\n";
                    result = log(n);
                    cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 6:
                 cout << "Calculations for Log base ten\n";
                 cout << "Enter a number\n";
                 result = log10(n);
                 cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 7:
                cout << "Calculations for Sin\n";
                cout << "Enter a number\n";
                result = sin (n * pi / 180);
                cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 8:
                    cout << "Calculations for Cosine\n";
                    cout << "Enter a number\n";
              result = cos (n * pi / 180);
                    cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 9:
                    cout << "Calculations for Tangent\n";
                    cout << "Enter a number\n";
                    result = tan(n * pi / 180);
                    cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 10:
                cout << "Calculations for Arcsine\n";
                cout << "Enter a number\n";
                result = asin(n) * 180.0 / pi;
                cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 11:
                cout << "Calculations for Arccosine\n";
                cout << "Enter a number\n";
                result = acos(n) * 180.0 / pi;
                cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 12:
                    cout << "Calculations for Arctangent\n";
                    cout << "Enter a number\n";
                    result = atan(n) * 180.0 / pi;
                    cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 13:
                 cout << "Calculations for Arctangent2\n";
                 cout << "Enter a number\n";
                 result = exp(n);
                 cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 14:
                    cout << "Calculations for Sinh\n";
                    cout << "Enter a number\n";
                result = sinh(n);
                cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 15:
                 cout << "Calculations for Cosh\n";
                 cout << "Enter a number\n";
                 result = cosh(n);
                 cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 16:
                cout << "Calculations for tanh\n";
                cout << "Enter a number\n";
                result = tanh(n);
                cout << "The result is" << result << "\n";

                case 17:
                    cout << "Calculations for ceil\n";
                    cout << "ceil of a number is\n" << n;

                case 18:
                    cout << "Calculations for floor\n";
                    cout << "floor of a number is\n" << n;

                    cout << "Enter any of the options\n";
 }while (quit != true);

 system ("pause");
    return 0;

Since you are using Visual Studio, place the cursor on one of the open {, press Ctrl+] and it will move the cursor to the matching closing }. In the case of your program you are missing two closing braces at the bottom of the code you posted.

Good coding and indentation practices helps a lot to quickly identify such errors.

In line with AD's comment, you can readily get your indenting cleaned up by selecting the code (ctrl-a) then, while holding the control key down, press K and then F.

That would show that the last closing } in your code is indented two levels.

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