Can someone help me on my database with regards that the records can be prone to data redundancy..
pls help to avoid record redundancy on my database....
How do I check if the record that i will be input is existing on my database.. and i want to prompt the user if the record is exist and adding this data will be cancel.
here is my code for save button,pls have an example with codes so that i could clearly understand ...thanks!! :D
rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
'check if important item is null '
If txtappln.Text = "" Or txtappfn.Text = "" Or txtappmn.Text = "" Or txtclass.Text = "" Or txtcnum.Text = "" Or txtaddr.Text = "" Or txtbrgy.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Some object in the Applicant Personal Information or Classification or Ctrl Number is not filled up", MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
.Open("Select * from Applicant", con, 2, 3)
.Fields("LAST_NAME").Value = txtappln.Text
.Fields("FIRST_NAME").Value = txtappfn.Text
.Fields("MIDDLE_NAME").Value = txtappmn.Text
.Fields("ADDRESS").Value = txtaddr.Text
.Fields("CLASSIFICATION").Value = txtclass.Text
.Fields("CONTROL_NO").Value = txtcnum.Text
.Fields("BARANGAY").Value = txtbrgy.Text
MsgBox("Record has been save !!", vbInformation)
End If
End With`