I'm writing this code for one of my projects. can you please help me with line #6,#7 and #10? I'm not sure if I am writing the code for those correctly.
package waffles;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
public class Waffles {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
#2&3 Stack<String> waffleStack= new Stack<String>();
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
//Bonus waffles are either millk or berry.
String buckwheat = "Buckwheat waffle"; // Standard waffles
String blueberry = "milk waffle"; // Bonus waffles
String strawberry = "berry waffle"; // Bonus waffles
//Use a for loop to help the cook assemble a Stack of eight buckwheat waffles. Complete the for loop and add the missing statement so the eight waffles are placed on the stack.
#4&5. for(int k = 1; k<=8; k++){
#6//Now choose some additional Special-Challenge waffles for a friend to eat.
// Add as many as you want. Special Vs must be milk or berry.
wafflesStack.push("milk waffles") ;
wafflesStack.add("berry waffles");
#7 // Use the customized static print method below to display the Stack of waffless your sponsoree must eat.
System.out.println("\n sponsoree must eat: "+waffleStack.size());
// Let the contest begin! Start eating waffless using a while loop!
// Earn $2 for each buckwheat waffles you eat, and earn $5 for each bonus waffles
int numberEaten = 0; int moneyEarned = 0; String nextWaffle;
boolean done = false;
while(!done) {
// 8. Check if the waffles stack is empty! Don't try to eat the plate!!
if( WaffleStack.isEmpty()){
System.out.println("\n\nAll the waffles have been eaten! Good job!\n" );break;}
nextWaffle = waffleStack.peek(); // Peek at, but to not remove the next waffle.
System.out.println("\nThe next waffle is a : " + nextWaffle ); System.out.println("\nType any key to make your sponsoree eat the waffle, or type Q when done.");
String newName = keyboard.next();
if(newName.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")) done = true;
#9. else{waffleStack.remove(newName);//#9Eat the waffle by removing it from the stack.
numberEaten++;// Great! Your sponsoree has eaten one more! What a champ!
// 10. If the nextwaffles is not buckwheat, your sponsoree earns $5 else they earn $2. You must use the ! operator
if(!nextWaffles.contains("Buckwheat waffle"))
moneyEarned+=5; else moneyEarned +=2;
} //end of else block
System.out.printf("\nWow, your sponsoree has eaten %d waffles and earned %d dollars.\n", numberEaten, moneyEarned);
} // end of while loop System.out.printf("\nWow, your total is %d waffless and %d dollars.\n", numberEaten, moneyEarned);
} // end of main method
// Custom method to print a Stack.
public static void print(Stack<String> myStack ) {
int count = 1, sizeOfStack = myStack.size();
System.out.println("\nYour stack has size: " + myStack.size());
for (String myString : myStack)
{System.out.print(count + ". " + myString);
if(count!=sizeOfStack) System.out.print( " -> ");
else System.out.print( " :Last");