Hey guys, this is my first project since I completed CodeAcademy's Python course yesterday. Besides that course, this is my first time programming and I would really appreciate input on my program. I decided to create a database to help me keep track of the anime I watch. For this project I only used what was taught in the CodeAcademy course except for the webbrowser module.
import webbrowser
all_commands = {
"ls": " Lists all DataBase entries.",
"add": " Add entries to DataBase.",
"del": " Delete specified entry.",
"edit": "Edit specified entry.",
"open": "Open specified entry.",
"web": " Open specified entry in web browser.",
"help": "Displays these commands."
class Anime(object):
title = ""
total_episodes = 0
genres = ""
current_episode = 0
description = ""
def __repr__(self): ## Format for print
return (" Title: %s\n Episodes: %s/%s\n Genres: %s\n Description: %s") % (self.title,self.current_episode,self.total_episodes,self.genres,self.description)
def add_to_file(self): ## Format used to write entry to file
return ("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s\n" % (self.title,self.current_episode,self.total_episodes,self.genres,self.description))
def from_file_data_format(self, data_list):
self.title = data_list[0]
self.current_episode = int(data_list[1])
self.total_episodes = int(data_list[2])
self.genres = data_list[3]
self.description = data_list[4]
## get title of anime to be used in other functions
def get_title(command_list):
if len(command_list) > 1:
title = "-".join(command_list[1::]).lower()
title = raw_input("Title of Anime?\n>>").lower()
return title
## open anime in default browser using waoanime.tv
def open_in_web_browser(command_list):
if len(command_list) > 1:
title = "-".join(command_list[1::]).lower() ## convert given title to proper format e.g(this-is-a-title)
title = "-".join(raw_input("Title of anime?\n>>").split(" ")).lower() ## ask user for title and convert to proper format
webbrowser.open_new_tab("http://waoanime.tv/anime/%s/" % (title))
## delete entry from file
def delete_entry(command_list):
title = get_title(command_list)
data_file = open("AnimeDataBase.txt", "r")
lines = data_file.readlines()
data_file = open("AnimeDataBase.txt", "w")
for line in lines:
data_list = line.split("|")
if data_list[0].lower() != title:
## edit an entry in the database
def edit_entry(command_list):
title = get_title(command_list)
data_list = []
edited_entry = Anime()
## print current information for specified entry, save to class variable, and delete it from database.
data_file = open("AnimeDataBase.txt", "r")
lines = data_file.readlines()
data_file = open("AnimeDataBase.txt", "w")
for line in lines:
data_list = line.split("|")
if data_list[0].lower() != title and data_list[0] != "\n":
elif data_list[0].lower() == title:
print edited_entry
## get data from user used to edit entry
entry_variable = raw_input("What would you like to edit?(title, episodes, genres, description)\n>>").lower()
if entry_variable == "title":
edited_entry.title = raw_input("What is the new title\n>>")
elif entry_variable == "episodes":
entry_variable = raw_input("Current or total?\n>>").lower()
if entry_variable == "total":
edited_entry.total_episodes = int(raw_input("Number of total episodes.\n>>"))
edited_entry.current_episode = int(raw_input("Current episode.\n>>"))
elif entry_variable == "genres":
endited_entry.genres = raw_input("What genres does this belong to?(seperated by a space)\n>>")
elif entry_variable == "description":
edited_entry.description = raw_input("Description of Anime.\n>>")
## append edited entry to database file
data_file = open("AnimeDataBase.txt", "a")
## list entries in database
def list_entries(command_list):
## check if command has arguments. if so, run open with intended arguments e.g(c = list entries that are completed)
if len(command_list) > 1:
if command_list[1][0] == "-":
data_list = []
arguments = command_list[1][1::].lower()
data_file = open("AnimeDataBase.txt", "r+")
for line in data_file.readlines():
data_list = line.split("|")
for arg in arguments:
if arg == 'c':
if data_list[1] == data_list[2]:
print "%s %s episodes" % (data_list[0], data_list[2])
if arg == 'i':
if data_list[1] != data_list[2]:
print "%s %s/%s episodes" % (data_list[0], data_list[1], data_list[2])
if arg == 'a':
old_entry = Anime()
print old_entry
print ("Improper syntax")
## list all titles in database and number of entries
data_file = open("AnimeDataBase.txt", "r+")
total_entries = 0
for line in data_file.readlines():
data_list = line.split("|")
print data_list[0]
total_entries += 1
print ("There are %s entries in the DataBase") % (total_entries)
## open specific database entry and print all information to screen
def open_entry(command_list):
title = get_title(command_list)
data_list = []
data_file = open("AnimeDataBase.txt", "r+")
for line in data_file.readlines():
data_list = line.split("|")
if data_list[0].lower() == title:
old_entry = Anime()
print old_entry
## adds entry to database using Anime class to get information from user
def add_entry(command_list):
new_entry = Anime()
new_entry.title = raw_input("What is the title?\n>>")
new_entry.total_episodes = int(raw_input("How many episodes are there?\n>>"))
new_entry.current_episode = int(raw_input("How many episodes have you watched?\n>>"))
new_entry.genres = raw_input("What genres does this belong to?(seperated by a space)\n>>")
new_entry.description = raw_input("Description of Anime.\n>>")
data_file = open("AnimeDataBase.txt", "a")
## lists the all_command dictionary, will eventually display arguments for specified command
def help(command_list):
if len(command_list) > 1:
print ("This will later list arguments for specific commands")
for key in all_commands:
print key, all_commands[key]
## parses the command string into a list
def command_parser(command):
return command.split(" ")
## runs specified command's function
def command_interpreter(command):
command_list = command_parser(command)
if command_list[0] == "help":
elif command_list[0] == "add":
elif command_list[0] == "open":
elif command_list[0] == "ls":
elif command_list[0] == "web":
elif command_list[0] == "del":
elif command_list[0] == "edit":
print ("Command is not recognized")
## Start of program, gets commands from user
command = raw_input("Welcome to your Anime DataBase. \n >>").lower()
while command != "exit":
command = raw_input(">>").lower()
What's your opinion on it? How do you think I could improve it?
Things I know I should fix:
1. When editing an entry, you can add an entry with the base Anime class values. If/else statements can fix it.
2. Because of the way I handled commands in a list, the program can crash if you don't supply a value to certain functions. command_list[n] out of range.
Where could I find a good resource on GUI's and encryption/decryption of file IO?
And last question, what should I do next? Should I continute coding in python for a while, or try to learn a new language?
Thanks for reading and for any input you may give.