Hi all,

I 'm writing a small program called ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) connected to Microsoft Access Database in Java. The program is complied without no fault, Howerver it doesn't display Form which I can enter user information (such as: accountnumber, pin,...). It shows:
"Usage: Java ATM databaseDriver databaseURL, Press any key to continue...."

I 'm looking forward to receiving hepl from you soon.

Thanks and regards,
Hoang Van Cuong

Hi all,

I 'm writing a small program called ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) connected to Microsoft Access Database in Java. The program is complied without no fault, Howerver it doesn't display Form which I can enter user information (such as: accountnumber, pin,...). It shows:
"Usage: Java ATM databaseDriver databaseURL, Press any key to continue...."

I 'm looking forward to receiving hepl from you soon.

Thanks and regards,
Hoang Van Cuong

I don't understand... The "press any key to continue..." tells me your program is running, right? Are you recieving any exception?

Sounds like you tricked someone else to do your homework assignment for you and they didn't do what you thought they would.

How the heck else can you get a message on screen that you don't know where it comes from? The only reason for that is that you didn't write the code, and in this case the only place the message can come from is from code you claim to have written yourself.

Hi Jwenting,

Don't say something like that. I know a message come from, Howerver I don't know what the trouble is, I 'm a new learner in Java. So if you are kind, Pls tell me what i should do and how ?


Hi Jwenting,

Don't say something like that. I know a message come from, Howerver I don't know what the trouble is, I 'm a new learner in Java. So if you are kind, Pls tell me what i should do and how ?


We can't help you if you don't give us more information....

"Usage: Java ATM databaseDriver databaseURL, Press any key to continue...."

Is not an error message. That is YOUR program running and displaying that message... If it's not displaying a 'form', then you didn't add it or create it..

Hi all,

My program is complied without fault, Howerver when I run it with following parameters: java ATM sun.jbdc.odbc.JdbcodbcDriver jdbc:odbc:ATM
It displayed a message on the command line window as following:
java.lang.ClassNotfoundException: sun.jbdc.odbc.JdbcodbcDriver
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run<URLClassLoader.java:199>
at security.Accesscontroller.doPrivileged<Native method>
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass<URLClassLoader.java:187>
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass<ClassLoader.java:289>
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loaderClass<Launcher.java:274>
at java.java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass<ClassLoader.java:235>
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal<ClassLoader.java:302>
at java.lang.forName0<Native method>
at java.lang.Class.forName<Class.java:141>
at ATM.<init><ATM.java:83>
at ATM.main<ATM.java:905>
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at ATM.loadAccountNumbers<ATM.java:807>
at ATM.createUserInterface<ATM.java:475>
at ATM.<init><ATM.java:101>
at ATM.main<ATM.java:905>

I don't really know what the trouble is, Pls hepl me to sovle this problem.

Thank you in advance,

Does your program import java.sql.DriverManager package?

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